New shows and movies all in one place. I'll add anticipated and stuff that looks decent.
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"ListName": "New Movies",
"ParentListName": "New Movies",
"Networks": "",
"ListType": "Movies",
"StartYear": 2024,
"EndYear": 2024,
"StartRuntime": 60,
"EndRuntime": 250,
"StartRating": 30,
"EndRating": 100,
"MinimumVotes": 100,
"Languages": "en",
"Countries": "us",
"SearchQuery": "",
"SearchType": "",
"Certifications": "",
"Status": "",
"Genres": "",
"Translations": ""
All Originals Netflix Movies and Shows
This list will be updated frequently throughout the year as contenders rise and fall.
List of trending movie trailers on YouTube.
Old & New, Recommended by Me.
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by GaryVIP