A clear allegory of a modern society that struggles in moral values. A rude capitalist businessman that fires his workers without a word, and a worker that, ingenuously, thinks that a kidnap (of the businessman's daughter) can solve his situation. In fact, Chan-wook Park is a master in painting the escalation of (useless) violence and the stupidity of the human mind (remember: both of a deaf-mute worker and a rich businessman) blinded by the desire of revenge. This movie wants to be a 2 hours psychiatric session, and it does well.

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I'd say that the biggest problem with this movie is its 1st act. It's too slow and it's also confusing in some parts. It tends to jump some important parts for no reason; like the kidnapping scene. That confused the f*ck out of me. This also happened later in the movie, when "Mr. Vengeance" appeared in Ryu's hideout, when the hideout itself had never been established nor did he look for it. He was just there, waiting.

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(second viewing)

2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
.5 / 1 writing
.5 / 1 originality
1 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

-.5 / 1 misc (Shin over-acts even in this role)

8.5 / 10

Park is fucking amazing. First entry of the vengeance trilogy is a rock solid one.

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An excellent movie, with very good actors.

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A movie where you can't take anyone's side!
Just when you think nothing worse can happen it happens!
Flawless cinematography, every character development was just perfect.

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I'm speechless. This is perfection. The intensity, the pace, the details.
Chan-wook Park is a master of his art, making us suffer ever so gracefully, twitching us, twisting our sentiments, making us silent, until we get the blood-red feeling painted all over the piece.

We absorb, then we endure.
Maybe the message here is that graphic or not, all is violence.

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I was expecting much more violence. Honestly I was quite bored. Wrong expectations, definetly my fault.

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A peculiar movie because of what happens and how it tells it

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Devastating is the only way to describe this film. The beginning lets you think it is going to be the usual socially aware film about inequality, but things quickly degenerate into a spiral of revenge and violence that transcends social context and culture. Park Chan-wook has a reputation for over-stylized films, but here he is masterful in maintaining the perfect balance between surreal atmospheres, realistic mise-en-scene and bad taste black humor. The way he indulges in each tragedy feels genuine, painfully raw, and never melodramatic. Yet, most scenes still retain a peculiar, highly cinematic feel. I was hoping for a more impactful ending but it's still close to a masterpiece.

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Not as good of a story as Oldboy, but still interesting enough. I like how cyclical this narrative was.

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Vengeance trilogy by Chan-wook Park
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance - Part 1
Oldboy- Part 2
Lady Vengeance - Part 3

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Holy shit Holy shit Holy shit

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For a lot of its runtime, it felt like a wannabe-Tarantino movie more than anything else.
It's unfortunate that some crucial plot developments are left to the viewer's imagination.
Besides a rather high level of graphic violence, the other thing that distinguishes it from your average Tarantino-inspired film is the at times extremely pretentious camerawork – the one year younger Memories of Murder does this much better.

The bog-standard English subtitles for this are terrible, they're missing crucial stuff.
Decent subtitles will have a translation for the sticker on the wall a bit more than 4 minutes in, as well as something about the manifesto 11 minutes in. (Subtitles can be missing everything from background voices to the 'communicated thoughts' of the main character.)

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Shout by 020202

this movie was the literal definition of "just when you think the situation can't get worse, it gets worse, way way worse"

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The original title of the film is Boksuneun naui geot.

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Shout by Beth

Very good movie. Part of the "Vengeance trilogy", so far I have seen Oldboy and this. Both were great but I like this one a little bit more.

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