Hopefully it's better than the first.

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Incredibly dumb and juvenile, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows ditches the dark and gritty tone of the last film. During a prison break Shredder is transported to an alternate dimension where he meets and teams up with an alien cyborg named Krang in order to conquer the Earth; however, the Turtles stumble onto Shredder’s plan and attempt to stop him. The plot’s extremely convoluted and is full of contrivances. And the creature designs are cartoonishly silly. But worst of all, the fight scenes are rather mundane and unimpressive (especially for ninjas). Taking a 180 degree turn in the wrong direction, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows is massive stupid and humorless.

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Shout by Simondzs

dieser Film geht um aliens

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You know what, pretty decent! Its not exactly aimed towards adults so with that in mind, pretty decent!

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In the end they didn't come out of the shadows.

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The first film was as big an abomination as the turtles themselves. This is little better. They should have stayed in the shadows to be honest. A couple of decent action scenes and a better sense of characterisation does not save the movie. It all climaxes in a terrible CGI heavy battle scene that is better played on an Xbox than watched on screen.

Oh, and I kept expecting Stephen Amell to don his Arrow costume but this time he is SOMETHING else, he is SOMEONE else!

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It's not bad. It's not good. All I can come up with is its too much. Everything was just too much.

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Improvement of the first movie which I enjoyed quite a bit. I think they nail the turtle personalities and use them effectively. It shines when they are on screen and interacting with each other.
The real life acting falls a bit short minus Will Arnett of course. Stephen Amell does a good job with what is given but feel like there could have been more for Casey Jones.
The movie is geared more towards children but adults can find a lot here to enjoy. With a nice mixture of action and comedy it makes for a nice watch.

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Its a good movie. You should watch it. #ShiftvW8

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Its a really good movie. Its better then the first one. #ShiftvW8

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In a world with armored prison transports have no brakes

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Kinda better than the first film, though by the end it basically levels out as a draw between the two. Too mundane once more.

'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows' does improve a few things, one being the score - not that it's great or anything, but it's more pleasant than Brian Tyler's attempt. Overall it's a little more watchable, but what affects this most is the messy ending - especially with the CGI, which looks like a video game.

Cast-wise it's largely the same, though Johnny Knoxville is dropped - not that I noticed until the credits, mind. Can't say I'll remember any of the cast's performances, just like in the 2014 production.

I guess it's a positive that this didn't completely crap the bed, as sequels sometimes do - especially ones that follow poor originals. Still, this isn't good at all - and, unsurprisingly, killed the would-be franchise early on.

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Fumbled a good thing....completely overshot

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So...it was better than the first one. Not that it matters...the first one was utter rubbish.

Marginally better story and some action scenes that was on the verge of being good. Nothing that kept me interested. I got a little work done while trying to watch, so it wasn't a total loss.

I'm not sure the Turtles will ever be good as a live-action movie. It certainly doesn't seem that way.

View at your own peril...

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Shout by Deleted

Not that bad, actually better than the 1st. The bad thing about this is having to endure a whole Movie that cast a a useless "porn actress" for a main role ( Megan Fox ) .

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little boring,i almost fall asleep in the theatre

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It was a bit too much in every aspect of the movie, a little exaggeration but it was entertaining enough. Great visuals and CGI

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you are better off

  1. reading the darn comics
  2. watching the 1987 cartoon
  3. watching the original 3 live action
  4. watching anything else other than this woke sewage.
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