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The Assent 2020

Garbage that has ascended from the pits of hell. A couple of creepy moments aside, this is one movie that needs to be purged from your watchlist.

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Blumhouse: We make shit horror movies!
Boom Done: Hold my chalice...
Set in a universe where everyone is twice the age they're supposed to be (a '5 year old' looks like the smartest person in the room and the 'high school graduate babysitter' is a milf), and starring the only English actor can't do an American accent, The Assent might just be a documentary on how to make the absolute worst remake of The Exorcist humanly possible. The real horror here is what Tatum O'Neal has been reduced it.
There is a 'curse' to The Assent, and that's the type of word you'll use to describe it when you leave.

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Shout by Chris

“The devil makes the sane insane and makes the insane sane.”
- Father Lambert

Not great and had more than a few holes, but it entertained me and keep my interest for most of it.

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