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The Cat's Meow 2001

Quirky and entertaining, The Cat’s Meow is a captivating period film about a fascinating piece of Hollywood lore. Inspired by true events and based on a play, the story attempts to unravel a notorious Hollywood murder that supposedly occurred aboard the yacht of wealthy media tycoon William Randolph Hearst in 1924. Kirsten Dunst, Edward Herrmann, Eddie Izzard, and Cary Elwes form a solid cast and give good performances. And the makeup and costumes are especially well-done; giving an authentic look and feel to the film. However, the storytelling is poor and gets a little lost in itself. The Cat’s Meow is an intriguing murder mystery, but there are some problems with the execution.

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Overall its a mildly entertaining look at how a famous Hollywood murder may have gone down. Nothing terribly good or bad either way.

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