Shouts about...

The Class 2008

The original title of the film is Entre les murs.

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very interesting film, even if in fact almost nothing is happening. we watch the lessons of french. film about emotions, about how the school should look like. where the teachers support each other and solve the problems. film about difficult learning in the class containted of immigrants. film about the courage, hope and respect. worth watching.
wciągający film, choć właściwie nic się nie dzieje, oglądamy lekcje ojczystego języka. film o emocjach, o tym jak powinna wyglądać szkoła, gdzie nauczyciele razem się wspierają i rozwiązują problemy. film o trudnym nauczaniu w klasie złożonej z imigrantów. film o nadziei, odwadze, szacunku. warto.

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It never crossed my mind that the french education would have so many similar issues as the brazilian one. And it's a good movie, it makes you see all the situations from both perspectives, teachers and students. The focus in here was the public education, but I think that is it what is lacking nowadays: try to put ourselves in someone else's shoes; and then, perhaps, we can understand them.

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Shout by Deleted

The film describes the relationship between a teacher and 24 students in a junior high school located in Paris. The situation surrounding education is totally different from Japanese one. I'm curious whether this film is realistic and interested in opinions of various people from other backgrounds.

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