Personal Lists featuring...

The Last House on the Left 2009


En “Rank” están ordenadas alfabéticamente pero también respetando cada saga.


All movies on IMDB released from 2000 to 2009, with over 50,000 votes.


Mostly English top grossing titles


This lists includes all horror and thriller movies and shows I have watched entirely since 2018.

Rating Scale:
10 - One of my all time favorites!
9 - Great, but not quite a favorite.
8 - Really good, you should check it out.
7 - Good. It was worth watching.
6 - It had more good than bad, if you like the genre then it is not a bad watch.
5 - It is neither here nor there
4 - It has more bad than good, its not awful, but far from good
3 - It was a bad watching experience, you should not watch it.
2 - Nearly unwatchable
1 - It is actually painful to watch


IMDb's Top Movies from 2009.

Minimum of 25,000 votes, minimum rating of 6.0, maximum of 100 movies.

Last Updated: April 23, 2024
