Shouts about...

The Neon Demon 2016

“Beauty isn't everything. It's the only thing.”

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For me is a 10/10 !!! the photography, the quiet scenes, the acting, THE MUSIC !! all the concepts, the fashion! Everything is on Point

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Shout by eierragout

This movie needs to get more attention! Definitely a must-see not only for horror fans, 11/10 a great experience

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I don't wanna be them, they want to be me.

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Okay, I didn't even realise this was supposed to be a thriller / horror movie until, uhm... the whole knife and chase situation....

I happened upon the trailer by chance and was immediately captured by the imagery and soundtrack, and that was why I watched this movie without any further research (which in hindsight, was probably a good thing). I generally just enjoyed the bizarre oddness and absurdity of it all, maybe even with a hint of amusement and masochistic pleasure of having to endure the slowness and weirdness and "WTF?!" and "It's still not over?!".

Were I to judge it for the plot or acting or anything... 5-6/10 at best. But, I came for the images and music, everything else was just a means to an end so: your mileage may vary ;)

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The storytelling might feel choppy at times but it's rather smart and while it doesn't explain everything it did satisfy me. The acting is very good, even the small roles are very convincing. Also, every shot is pure eye-candy.

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Winding's films must be viewed as a compendium of ethereal music, unreal lights and depraved stories. In all, a superb movie though not for everyone.

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You can say the movie has its boring parts, but I think they 'rushed' with Jesse's character, especially her 'transformation'. There is quite a big jump from the small town teenager to 'the neon demon'.
Building, developing the characters are the downside of this movie, even if you compare it to the early Winding Refn ones (Pusher Trylogy, Bleeder).
Visuals and photography is as entertaining and fascinating as in every NWR movies, though.

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Shout by Mounir

very disgusting that ending and very disturbing, made me wanna throw up and dizziness but other than that if the director wanted to give that point to viewers well i think they did a good job. i wanted to re-watch Gone Girl i thought second time i can handle it but after this i know i can't so YEP! good luck 2 u guys!.

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What a weird movie. I really liked the style of the movie but the plot is so slow and nothing happens and what does happen never makes sense. The vibrant colors and trippy score make this worth a watch at least once. If it had a halfway decent plot then this could of been great.

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"The Neon Demon" it's an alluring and mesmerizing minimal film. With this movie, Nicolas Winding Refn absolutely masters the art of image and sound (what a stunning soundtrack!) and makes a perfect balance between the two of them, from start to end, which compensate the lack of narrative. The first half of the movie (storytelling/innocence) feels longer than it should be and the second part (the tension) feels very rushed, which could be better explored than it is. The movie should have been longer. Still, it's a good cinematic experience, a fresh and modern art film. Always voyeuristic, always cruel and always fearless but, not as good as the previous works. "Beauty isn't everything. It's the only thing".

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The plot is a bit hard to understand and you need to fully understand it to enjoy the movie, quite similar to raw I would not recommend you to watch if you are looking for the horror aspect as I was not scary at all however if you're into really twisted thrillers you should try it.

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Not as clever as the filmmakers think it is, the film is rather dated in it's twisted perspective on the cutthroat, eye for an eye fashion business. Not as bad as some people think, but not the masterpiece heralded by others, this is a disappointment from a talented director.

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Boy what a bonkers movie. When you read what happens in this thing you're like what the hell is this how was this allowed to happen. But it doesn't seem that crazy when you're watching because it's filled with some boring ass shit in between. It's like a long artsy music video. Pretty nuts though.

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Shout by Deleted

The plot is a bit hard to understand and you need to fully understand it to enjoy the movie, quite similar to raw I would not recommend you to watch if you are looking for the horror aspect as I was not scary at all however if you're into really twisted thrillers you should try it.

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It's really hard to find words for this movie. The story was kind of abstract. Though not that hard to grasp, it had quite an artistic touch, so you had to take care to interpret everything correctly – especially the transformation in the middle of the movie. The pictures/scenes were quite amazing with great colours and the acting was quite alright. Altogether it was a little too artistic for my taste and a little too long, even though it's just over 1 1/2h hours – I've seen worse and better…

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It was way too hard to watch. Had to watch it with 1.50x speed yet the images still felt slow. The film is beautiful and artsy. I have read lots of reviews about it and they said the director copied this and that and etc. I don't know about them but it was "visually satisfying". It actually had a strong message but it is not directly delivered in it as most movies do. You don't (shouldn't) need to be word by word told to realize the modelling industry is cruel, the film gives it to you just fine.
Overall this is a fine movie with stunning visuals, if only it was a bit 'faster'. I mean, I'm used to slow movies and hard ones also but this almost bored me. Watch it speed up :D

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That's why I never became a model. Also because I'm too ugly to be a model, but that's beside the point.

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Shout by Devalabra
BlockedParent2016-09-10T18:07:58Z— updated 2019-09-23T18:56:55Z

It is very visually pleasing and very beautiful but it makes no fucking sense.I've read some of the interviews with Refn(the director) and I just think a lot of it is so random and not very well planned,and just odd,really.
It's not a horrible movie,not even a particularly bad movie but some things are just left unanswered or not expressed as well as they should be.
The movie lacks depth but the acting was at least pretty decent.

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The Neon Demon is a horror movie? starring Elle Fanning, Jena Malone, and Keanu Reeves. There’s so much artistic douchebaggery going on that it’s hard to get a handle on what kind of film this is. The story is your basic naïve teenage girl coming to Los Angeles to make it as a fashion model and finding that success inspires the homicidal envy of her peers. The sets and costume designs are incredibly well-done, and create a very visually rich look. But with all the symbolism and metaphors going on, it’s really difficult to follow the plot. A problematic film, The Neon Demon is a fascinating dark fairy tale that’s just too artistic for its own good.

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Movie made in 2016. I missed it? Elle Fanning, Keanu Reeves.. must be good. Wrong! I almost cut it off half way through, but decided to push on through because sometimes movies get better. This one. .. it continually declined and got worse. It's another one of those movies intended to be shocking for the sake of being shocking. So much trash and garbage.

The acting of Elle is great, as to be expected. She sells the new-girl-in-town, innocent-fly-over-state-transplant trying to make it big wonderfully. The soundtrack is good. The cinematography is good. The story line... it's just too much.

Based on looking at other ratings, I tend to rate movies high I guess. So to get a 5 from me boils down to I think I've just wasted 2 hours of my life.. Save yourself. Don't do the same.

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Genuinely thought this was going to be better as it had all the right ingredients. Great cast , gorgeous cinematography but it's slow and dull and nothing ever really happens.

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Saw this movie on a ‘greatest horror movies ever’ list. Can’t imagine how it got on that list. Terrible horror movie.

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I wanted to like it, I really did. Suspiria meets Michael Mann.
But ultimately, this goes nowhere.
The "dear in the headlight" trope can only go so far, and frankly the third act makes no sense to me.
But yeah, gorgeous cinematography.

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Very very bad movie. The only reason to watch it is to see the gorgeous Elle Fanning.

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Shout by Ionavio

pretentious and soulless. don't waste your time watching this shit of a movie.

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Disturbing, stylistic snoozefest. Painful to get through the whole movie.

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Shout by lis

this legit looked like a psychopath who's into fashion decided to turn his dream Vogue issue into a movie. but nice cinematography and jena malone was pretty good

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Shout by laurettamiglio2

what the hell i've just watched!? I gave 2 stars only for the creepy final.

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This film is super boring. I only made it about 1/3 of the way through.

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This film was so stupid and boring, I kept dozing off

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the truth and the subject (annoying and obvious) portrayed here is betrayed by the own complacency with which it is portrayed, a film by a huge creep unable to breathe meaning into its high-sounding ecstatic scenes. worthy of a first year of film school, the subject is both too light and introduced with too much heaviness...

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Utterly yawnful
I should have stopped watching when I decided to fast forward the catwalk scene, I'm staggered I made it through the entire thing.

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and the winner of worst movie ever is..... THIS FLIPIN PIECE OF DOG TURD !!! ANOTHER RECOMMENDED TIME WASTER

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It's like some instagram model wrote a story on reddit, whilst high on nail polish, and some hipster friendfrom Deviantart made t into a really awful movie. I'm not dropping internet sites to be edgy, I do it becUae it really does have an adolescent pretentious art feel to it. If you're making a movie about superficial people in a awful culture, don't make the movie as bad or worse as the subject. The visual look sometimes a desperate but pretty attempt to be artistic or it looked oike art in advert for a moisturising product. I almost forgot how awful the characters were. It's like they don't even register on any level.

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To be honest I though it was all right until Jesse said some shit like "They shave, tuck and get liposuction to look like me" as if not only is she beautiful but she founded the very concept of beauty itself. also the plot was kind of discombobulated. so yeah didn't think much of it

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WTF did i just watch? Seriously!

This is one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen. I love this kind of movies. Nicolas Winding Refn tells in a brilliant way the cruel world of fashion.

"The Neon Demon" take a turn in the third act that doesn't feel out of place, however will shock many people. The cinematography is beautiful and the performances are great, especially Elle Fanning and Jena Mallone.

A disturbing movie but beautiful to watch. This is gonna be a classic in the future.

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Shout by Deleted

The Neon Demon is a well directed film but it gets so frustrating by the time the end rolls around that I was ready to pull my eyes out. Nicolas Winding Refn is starting to assert himself as one of the most arrogant filmmakers around. There is a reason all his films get booed at film festivals.

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Shout by Tandarissima

the movie is just like the girl that killed herself. trying 2 much, not succeeding at anything.
i would say that photography/scenes are nice, but they are not. they just have enough creepy furniture in it. so..if this was a commercial for furniture makeup and dresses it would be unforgetable. but for a movie... really weak and needy

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People who want plot, plot, plot won't like it but if you are into David Lynch and Stanley Kubrick, you're going to dig this.

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Shout by Deleted

I didn't really care for this film. It wasn't that interesting and it was very slow. The ending was really weird, the rest of the film was pretty forgettable.

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seriously one of the most boring things i've ever watched in my life

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Saltburn is mild, a romantic comedy, next to this film.

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