This was such a cute movie! It captures all the charm of the Mario world and characters, while also telling a heartwarming tale! Is it the greatest animated movie ever? Certainly not, but it’s one kids and adults will appreciate if all ages for a long while.

Rating: 4/5 - 85% - Would Recommend

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Animation is too good but story is mid

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My childhood favorite was the Mario games, and I must say this was a very good adaptation. There are many references from the games. I was only missing dino from the team.

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I was smiling the entire movie. The level of detail and care that went into this film is incredible. Tributes from the first game to the last mario game. Yes, it's a children's movie, yes, the screenplay is not a masterpiece and yes, you will like it more if you are fan of the games. But it's a fun ride from start to finish.

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It was fun, but it wasn't good.
The action scenes were slick and well choreographed and the movie was packed full of fun references and enjoyable characters. But those fun references often came as entire scenes which served no purpose than to go "Hey, remember this from the game?" over and over, and the some of the characters, mainly Peach, didn't quite hit the mark for retaining anything about their character.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie is enjoyable, fun, and capitalizes on childhood nostalgia. However, the story felt bland, poorly written, and clearly targeted towards a younger audience. Besides Mario Kart, I was never super involved in the franchise, but if you're a fan of the Mario games, you'll probably find more enjoyment than I did.

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Best Mario movie yet but still it was only average.

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Now that's how you make a mario movie, lets not talk about the live action one. This movie was a lot of fun, great sense of humor with plenty of easter eggs from the games, hit my childhood feels, overall brilliant film, good voice cast and some cool effects. bring on number 2! "here we go again!!"

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Exciting and nostalgic from beginning to end. Noticing the references in the smallest details was amazing.

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cheesed ear to ear the entire thing ( except for when i was crying… i am a movie crier)

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4th favorite Akira slide Peach

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I enjoyed it! It’s not necessary to say this is a pure fun movie and the plot is not the main point to consider.

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It's fine for what it is, but is it better than Despicable Me or Minions? No. The voice casting was forgettable, apart from Jack Black. The story was generic, but I guess it held up to Super Mario content. The soundtrack was great, and so was the animation. It was filled with feel-good, loud, and bouncy colours and sounds. The humour is always there with Illumination, although it feels repetative. I want to like it but I know I'll forget this tomorrow.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie - :heart:x6

This was an OK adaptation of the game. It was cute and fun.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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cute and fun family film
good animation with a basic story
achieves what it set out to be

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The film is good and fun, with great animation. Even I, who never played Mario, had fun with the scenes. Certainly, fans of the game will catch the details and may have differing opinions. In my opinion, Princess Peach is the best character. I'm relieved they didn't portray a helpless princess that Mario needs to save. Instead, she is a strong character and fights hard, with no romance in her part of the story. The second best character, without a doubt, is Bowser, who really amused me at various times. I was a little frustrated with Luigi, as he had little focus and didn't have many opportunities to shine, although he did have a moment. I understand that it is necessary to present the world and the other characters, but he deserved more attention.

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it was a cute feel good movie, people expect too much of things nowadays. it was enjoyable and silly and I hope they make a sequel.

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So this is the Mario movie huh? It's finally here. As a kid, what I would have given to see such a thing.

You know what my kid-self never would have thought about though? Seeing Mario sitting at the dinner table having his judgmental family bully him.

If it isn't obvious to literally everyone, that doesn't feel very "Mario".

But this is the era we live in now. To say the least, this is not a good Mario movie. And it's not a good movie in the general sense either. Actually, it's one of the worst movies I have ever seen, Mario in it or not.

The fact that so many reviewers are OK with this movie is a clear signal to how non-caring everyone has become with movies like these. Even when it's about Mario, apparently.

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Theme- 8.5/10
Rewatchibility- 8.5/10
Acting- 7.5/10
Kinematography- 10/10
Time- 9/10
Total - 43.5/5 = 8.7

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Never played a lot of Mario, yet I recognized a lot of creatures and musical parts from the games. Nice and not too long movie to have a joyful time with.

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Well, kudos for references to everything remotely related to Mario. A good plot might have been first on my agenda, but whatever...

Chris Pratt was a huge disappointment. Horrible casting.

I was expecting a mediocre movie and I was not disappointed. Borderline garbage.

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Wow! They really nailed it. I didn't expect to enjoy it so much. My god does the animation and visuals look insane. The voice acting was great too, and the so many easter eggs and references to the games were fun to notice.

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It's a good!

My experience of 'Mario' starts and ends with 'Mario Kart', which I haven't actually played since back in the day on my Nintendo DS and even then I had no understanding of the franchise itself; just treated it as a normal racing game. I was an Xbox kid growing up (thanks, ma!), so that be the reason. Anyway, that's a long way of saying I'm no Mario know-it-all.

Despite all that, I do remember most of the characters from the aforementioned video game and it was cool seeing them come to life in 'The Super Mario Bros. Movie'. Chris Pratt feels an odd cast for Mario but does do a solid job in fairness to him. Jack Black and Charlie Day are very good in their roles as Bowser and Luigi. Keegan-Michael Key, Seth Rogen and Anya Taylor-Joy are also positives as Toad, Donkey King and Princess Peach.

No doubt whatsoever that this will be the first film of a crap tonne from this franchise. Still, if they do as well as they did here then they'll be successful, I'm sure. I'd be up for exploring the world via film, tbf.

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A good family friendly film. Bowser had good casting, and it was nice to see DK. Movie was kinda stale altogether but it wasn't bad by any means.

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Shout by Teri
BlockedParent2024-01-03T20:58:48Z— updated 2024-01-17T10:43:04Z

Beautiful movie with nostalgic soundtracks. Gave me chills and memories..

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Don't listen to the critics with their outrageous bias and bad reviews. Any fan of the series who played the games would wholeheartedly enjoy this film

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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finally watched this and it healed a part of my inner child .

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The animation is correct, there is action, there is humor, but... well, for those who don't know the Nintendo universe, it will be a bit too little.

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As a person that grew up in the time when this was released and then lived my life when people were playing it, the references were really cool! The animation was AMAZING! The bone movement is top notch. The issue i have is with casting and script. The writers did a great job, Story was okay. Ending felt alright. Overall it hit a lot of check boxes. 8/10 for me. If you grew up in the NES Era, you might like this.

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Finally watched since it got on Netflix recently.

It was serviceably entertaining and fast paced (maybe too fast paced?) And all the fan service was nice.

Some of it was a bit too cheesy for my liking (Though I guess it it was made to be a family movie) and some of the liberties for the personalities and backstories was a little off putting

But overall it was a good enough movie adaptation of a video game. I just preferred detective Pikachu and both Sonic movies.

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You're tired. You're stressed. You're feeling anxious and nervous about your life and the choices you've made. You're uncertain of your future. You take a day to relax and see a colorful fun movie. You hear the GameCube start up music for the first time in years hidden as a cellphone ring tone and you say ""hey I remember that""ù. You're a kid again, being treated to a portal to a simpler time. No high stakes decisions, no future planning, no financial worry, just the innocent simplicity of a video game. That time of your life is gone. You realize you're surrounded by kids unknowingly enjoying that same happy simplicity. You weep. You celebrate. You mourn. You live. You let the movie remind you of all the things you've left behind, but that you remember.

Mamma Mia.

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The casting confused me (like why Chris Pratt for Mario? it didn't sound right) but otherwise good movie with frequent references to the games but you don't need to understand the references to enjoy the movie

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Watched 7 times...nuff said

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This was good, they did right by the fans. Might be a possibility of the NCU. Also the blue star, was a highlight.

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Great moment but some part are below average. Dk dub and the star power up music come in mind. Overall still good entertainment

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That was surprisingly good! And the soundtrack is great!

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It's fine. The story is as thin as it is in the Mario games but there are some decent easter eggs for fans of the games.

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I never really got into the Super Mario games but I still found the movie to be super fun!

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Kids really loved this film. Worth a watch with your young ones for sure.

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The Super Mario Bros. Movie was so bad, contrived and uninteresting that I almost stopped watching 30 minutes in, but I persevered. This is an extremely action-packed movie for kids, and that's about all it is. It is little substance that might interest actual adults. The plot is thin as paper, the casting is awful - Charlie Day and Chris Pratt as Italian plumbers ... really?? - and there's no heart or reason to care about any of these characters. As for the casting, comedian Sebastian Maniscalco is the most Italian person in the main cast, and he's relegated to playing a minor character named Spike. As someone who grew up playing Mario Bros in the 80s, it was cool to see the characters on the screen and to hear some of the 80s music. The computer graphics were tight, but by most other metric by which we measure movies, this was a dud and a waste of time unless you're watching it with your kids or unless you're 8-years-old.

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All my three kids used to play Super Mario Bros games and two of them played them a lot when they were younger so this movie was kind of a must-see movie for us.

For myself , this felt very much like a movie made for Super Mario Bros fans and less for the general audience.

The characters, the completely illogical platform jumping everywhere and the rather childish story are certain to appeal to younger people still playing the game or those that grew up with the Mario Bros games.

For me though the movie was ranging from okayish to, sometimes, cringe worthy. Especially the scenes with Bowser starting to sing. Ouch, my ears are still hurting.

The best parts of the movie was when they entered the ape kingdom. That was quite fun and so was the car chase on the rainbow road.

The rest of the movie was, for me personally, rather forgettable. Not bad just not that good. That said, it is not really a bad movie either. The rotten rating on Woke Tomatoes is entirely undeserved.

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Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches.. I LOVE YOUUUUUUUU

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One of the best animation movie of 2023

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The plot really feels like an afterthought to glue the video game references. It's a treat for fans of the franchise, but newcomers will feel lost.
Despite that, it's still an enjoyable movie, for people who know Mario.

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Fun movie lots of humor for both adults and kids alike

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It was a fun movie with lots of joy to look forward to though I get the poor reception with the writing but the characters were mostly on point. That said, I'd only watch it in Latin American Spanish or just not English on streaming. Mario actually sounds like Mario is why I waited for it to hit streaming.

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Let's make it as safe as possible.... that must have been the approach. I found myself on the phone again, because the film unfortunately has nothing that creates excitement or interest. Sure, for Nintendo fans a must, for me who wanted to see a movie unfortunately just a safe bet without anything special or salient but its well produced. I would rather watch The Room again tbh

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The movie has everything I love in the Super Mario games!! I was so happy when I saw Cat Mario!!!

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As someone who grew up playing SMB, I didn’t expect to find this movie perfect, but it is!

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I grew up playing Super 64 Mario so it hit a lot of nostalgic points for me. I thought it was also very visually pleasing. The graphics are everything you want in a Super Mario movie. That said I do tend to agree with a lot of people that the story was very cliche and really nothing stood out. I guess I kind of was hoping for a bit more based on all the good things I heard when it first came out but overall it was still a nice shot of nostalgia paired with a cliche but somewhat adventurous story. Also that white star may have stolen the show. Very funny

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I was so excited for this movie but heavens to Betsy was it boring. I gave it 1 additional star for nostalgia; 1 additional star for voice talent (Jack Black, Keegan-Michael Key, and Charlie Day). Otherwise this movie was more than terrible.

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I liked Jack Black, disliked Chris Pratt, the rest was 'memberberries. I am sure if I was ten years old I would have enjoyed it more.

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Extremely mid with poor voice casting but at least Bowser was hilarious.

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The visuals, the voice acting, and the music were all reasonably good, but the movie falls way short with the story. As soon as the characters face any challenge, they immediately overcome it. there is never a chance for any character development, as the movie doesn't bother to take any time to allow for it. To be fair, it is a children's movie, so having expectations for an amazing story is a little unrealistic. If you love Nintendo and/or Mario, you'll probably love this movie. However, if you're watching this movie for any reason except the references, you'll probably be disappointed.

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This was the worst thing I watched in years.. Making a movie look like a videogame doesn't make it a good movie. The script was poorer than Elon Musk's plans for a budget space travel. the animation and design are unremarkable. This movie may appeal to those who think that the super Mario games are the greatest ever created. For everyone else my advice is to pass.

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It makes good use of nostalgia and the constant references to video games, in some cases in an outstanding way such as the appearance of Donkey Kong, or the soundtrack by Brian Tyler that provides novelty and at the same time a constant referential texture. It's one of the most interesting proposals of this 2023 that seems like a time travel to the eighties, as if nostalgia were the only salvation for movie theaters. The film has as much depth as the games, that is none, so in its condition of pure and basic entertainment, it ends up finding its main virtue.

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There patent Mario and Luigi voice, gone??? That's a huge part of their identity. Even tho I love Chris Pratt, this made the entire movie a horrible experience.

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It's okay, just what you can expect from it.

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That was fun to watch. They did not ruin it like Sonic.

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Undoubtedly one of the biggest hits of the year, and the clear answer to the question "What is the result of making a film adaptation of a work, without thinking about politics or quotas, just thinking about being faithful to the characters?".

Undoubtedly, the Mario and Luigi brothers' movie is made by fans for fans. And that is the secret of its success. No matter where you look in every minute of the movie, you'll see nods to the dozens of Mario games throughout his long existence. But even if you haven't played anything, or maybe just a couple of games, you will enjoy this movie.

Why? It's fun, tremendously fun and well made. And it focuses on that without adding a single minute of unnecessary footage. Leaving aside the controversies with the voice actors - which we don't share - the work of Chris Pratt, Anya Taylor-Joy, Jack Black and the rest of the cast is impeccable, not to mention the music: homage after homage.

A perfect movie for nostalgia... and for those who are still immersed in it.

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I've come close to playing the entire Mario catalog in my time, one thing I was not expecting them to carry over from the source material was a puzzlingly bad storyline.

Others seemed to like it, but the references were nauseating to me - unashamedly shoehorned into every nook and cranny. I felt like it was trying (and failing) to toy with a ham-fisted nostalgia that completely missed the point of what makes Mario appealing.

And for a movie that tried so hard to inject elements of the games into every frame, there were far too many instances where there game logic was not followed. The two most prominent being:
1 - Mario breaking blocks by punching to the side or punching downwards - as opposed to breaking them from underneath or doing a ground pound.
2 - Princess Peach acted like Daisy, not Princess Peach.

I mean, people will no doubt love this movie. But think to yourself. Would you legitimately watch a sequel?

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I just can't pretend it's any good.

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jack black carried this movie, better than expected.

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Shout by GroovyKunst

This movie might make sense for fans that just a hit of nostalgia and don't care about storyline - most of the transitions are just awful.

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Really good graphics but, otherwise, this felt like a 1h30-long Nintendo adspot… There is a kind of coherent storyline, but some transitions during the movie don’t really make sense.

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Honestly, better than expected. I loved looking for the little hints to all the different games they added. Well done!

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Likely enough to keep the kids entertained, but with zero narrative depth and minimal effective humor, the only thing this film offers to adults is Nintendo fan service. Admittedly, that fan service might be enough for some, but with my own connection to Nintendo being limited to a single Gameboy Advance from 20 years ago, I probably am not the target audience. Luckily, the movie doesn't outstay it's welcome. I suspect the creators were very aware of the film's superficial storytelling, because the aggressive pacing takes us from one colorful set piece to the next giving the audience no time to think about how little there is going on underneath the hood. So, while the movie is never painful, it can't help but feel like a missed opportunity when compared to something like The Lego Movie or, more recently, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, which both managed to entertain the kiddos while also offering stories and characters that older folks could enjoy.

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Beautiful movie, great voice actors and most importantly not woke bullshit. Highly recommend

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This was a very entertaining movie, it had a very wholesome vibe to it all and it kept me nostalgic with how much of Nintendo was included within.

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I still like the one from the 90s more!

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I forgot what to say, I only think about peaches. PEACHESSSSS!

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The foundations for a great movie are all there, but barely any of them are used in an interest or satisfying way. Peach is the character with the most potential in here, and she's completely wasted. It's painful to watch. Bowser could've been better too, although he was easily the best part of the movie.

Also, the pacing of this movie is almost unbearable. This story asked for way more than 83 minutes.

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Nothing special imo. Liked the Sonic movies way more.

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When the movie focuses solely on being a Mario film, it is quite enjoyable. However, when it adopts the generic style of an Illumination movie, relying on uninspired celebrity voice acting, cringeworthy music choices from the 1980s, and forced emotional moments (such as Mario's relationship with his father in Mario 64), it becomes quite disappointing. While I didn't despise it, I wouldn't enthusiastically recommend it either.

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Mario movie was great! I watched it with my brothers and tried to piece together the references and I must say... It was pretty entertaining even without any explanation! I give it an 8. Even though I like the positivity amongst the brothers but the negativity in the family, some parts were easily predictable and well... I think this is an introduction before another teased mario movie! (Now here's to wonder what its going to be about, dont want to make 5 seasons of tom and jerry do we?)

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Yes,Yes that is a cartoon.
Love it.

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It's better than I thought it would be! I liked the changes of the Mario's lore, but I felt it approaches a lot of games and references for favor of fan service, because of that it looks rushed... Super Mario was part of my infancy and I think this influences a lot in my opinion about this movie.

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This film was entertaining and boring at the same time. It is very cool to see the game's characters imagined in a film, and it has a nice soundtrack to carry it all along. A good balance of funny and emotional moments, but it also manages to drag on. I bet a younger audience will love this one, though.

If you are open-minded about older films that lack the best special effects, check out the 1993 super Mario Bros film.

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Rated a Connor 10, normal 8.8

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All I have to say is if you love mario then this is the movie for you to go see. It was excellent from start to finish. I hope they make a sequel.

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Nostalgic delight for a kid that grew up in the 80s/90s. From an NES to now still playing on a switch this was Easter egg heaven. Not perfect by any means but captured the right tone/humour for me. 8.0.

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Cute movie for both the kids and the adults Would watch again

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Cute movie. Loved noticing all the references to different parts of the games. My girls loved that Peach was in it a lot. Overall we are excited to see what other movies they make.

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Not even a huge fan of the game and I really enjoyed this movie

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In this movie, Luigi is the helpless princess. Was really hoping that when he arrived in the Dark Lands we'd get a bit more of Luigi's Mansion, or barring that, that he'd at least grow a little stronger without his brother and maybe help get them out of the suspended cages.

Good nonetheless, and a 7.5 for me, who watched it with my five year old.

Outside of Bowser, I also wouldn't have necessarily known the voice actors behind the characters had I not come in already knowing.

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The cute thing about this movie was, how so many of the game‘s gimmicks were included. The story was obviously just like a game and not overly thrilling but alright.
What I did not enjoy much was the voice actors. Maybe one should start using talented dedicated voice actors and not just the most well known screen actors in order to have names attached to the movie. Didn’t find they did the best jobs and sometimes the Nintendo characters felt more like the actor instead (e.g. their typical catchphrase-like expressions or sounds like laughs, etc.).

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A fun fan service love letter to fans of the games. It's kinda amazing that they could tie in aspects of all the games and do so in a fairly cool way. I was half expecting Dr, Mario to show up for some reason or other, but gotta save something for the inevitable sequel I guess

Also you can't have half of Tenacious D and not add a song or two from him, so it shines there as well "Peach" tune is an earworm

Oh and the super weird thing is this was the first or two times I've heard No Sleep To Brooklyn in two different films where Chris Pratt has an otherworldly adventure today alone....

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Too for kids, for my taste. It doesn't have that Pixar ingredient that gives it an extra layer of depth besides the entertainment. And the third act just went on and on... (how can a 90 minutes movie feel too long?!)
The best was the voice acting.

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I enjoyed this very much. Probably because I love playing the games. This was really done with a lot of thought. If you love the games, watch this movie!

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Gorgeous animation, predictable plot, not cringe, which has already exceeded expectations. Jack Black is great. It’s a pity I laughed probably once, it’s really not that funny. At least there are no fart jokes, which is surprising in itself. Watch once for the sake of references.

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I enjoyed the movie. It was ok but not amazing. I have been a fan of Nintendo and Mario brothers since the late 80's. They did a good job of throwing in a lot of relevant references. The animation style was great and it fit well. The writing was the weakest part of the movie. The entire movie feels like an introduction to the characters. There is no real meaningful plot. This is no "Lego Movie." but it's entertaining and worth a watch non the less.

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It was a love letter to the games and the fans. what a GREAT movie!

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Beautiful to look at and a handful of laughs. I just wish the movie had some sort of substance. Hopefully we get a story in the sequel.

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Of course it could only be Jack Black <3

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Shout by Dave Peach
BlockedParent2023-05-18T18:22:43Z— updated 2024-07-23T13:09:24Z

Loved this movie, nostalgia was great & bought back many childhood memories.

I was more into it than my kids :joy:

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Is it the best movie? No….
Did it entertain me? YES!!!!
I even recommend this movie.

Chris Pratt his voice did not bother me as much as I thought it would.

I also don’t understand why the critics are so negative.
Feels like they watched a other movie.

I enjoyed it, my kids enjoyed it.
Finely a move worth watching in the cinema with kids. I

I’m even hoping for a follow up!!!

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Wasn't terrible, wasn't great. A solid 7

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It's a me...diocre movie. Fun, but feels like things just happen.

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Great kids movie with a simple plot. Easy to watch and a bunch of nostalgic moments.

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It's honestly fine at most. Voice acting is really good, the animation is cool, but the story is boring and nothing happens in there. Some nostalgia triggers and too much references to games, it gets boring. Fine film to play in the background when, I don't know, doing the dishes?

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