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Three Kings 1999

I’ve always enjoyed the occasional rewatch of this film. Can’t go wrong driving into battle with “If You Leave Me Now” by Chicago getting you pumped up.

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"Just tell me what we did here!"

It's a good point. I won't pretend that I know what we should do in every situation, but the film Three Kings raises questions on war. Three Kings also has an interesting story that puts a small group of US soldiers trying to liberate Kuwaiti gold for themselves only to be thrown right into what the Iraqi people were dealing with. There's a lot of great shots that David O. Russell and team that make Three Kings feel unique. It blends a war movie with elements of comedy that I will always enjoy.

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Lots of funny moments in this film, which I forgot about. It's a surreal take on the absurdity of the Gulf war. Clooney has had alot to say about the slightly unethical methods that director David O Russell undertook, and he seems a bit of a bastard. But it was a fine, if slightly overlong bit of nostalgia.

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This is a forgotten gem.
We should get a movie like this for every Top Gun or Michael Bay film that’s released.
I’d never think about approaching a war parody like this, but that’s why David O. Russell is a great filmmaker and I’m not.
Extremely well written (love the characters and subtext, most of the comedy is kept subtle), great performances by Ice Cube, Marky Mark, Spike Jonze and Clooney, superb soundtrack and sound design and very original/unpredictable.
The editing and camerawork take some time getting used to, but I have no problems with how it was executed.
If anything it made the film more memorable for me. Love the colour palette and film grain, looks great.


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"Bush told the people to rise up against Saddam. They thought they'd have our support. They don't. Now they're getting slaughtered."

Didn't know what to expect with this and I was pleasantly surprised. This is a war satire done right. It shows us how messed up and backwards things are in the modern war era.

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This movie is a masterpiece, I don't know what y'all complaining about.

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It wasn't quite what I was expecting. The plot is interesting enough. The cinematography and editing are unique but can be a little annoying. The acting is fine.

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Like a lot of Clooney's films over the last 10+ years, I wanted to like it more than I did. I like him and I like David O. Russel... I just wasn't overly shot in the arse with this film.

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It's all cow!
Genius quote.

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Brutal, somewhat illogical but also very moving, "Three Kings" tells the story of a few army guys looking for some of Sadam's hidden gold in the desert of Iraq. But instead of a quick "Hit and Run" job, they get involved with some locals who they safe in the end by giving up the gold so the Iraqis can flee to Iran.

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