He's back and he's got a prophesy to fulfill.

Not even close to being as good as the first but the Djinn still has a few tricks up his sleeve. Andrew Divoff is the star and none of this would work without him, he continues doing an excellent job. What made the first good was all the clever use of wishes and the impressive use of practical effects. Wishmaster 2 recycles ideas from the first (someone passing through bars/walls, a skeleton coming out of someone...) and none of the new tricks felt as clever as the first. The penny woman was funny though and I always enjoy Demerest's funny spontaneous dialogue. Lots of cheese and some good laughs.

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"Everybody needs help... even the devil."

Not as good as the first one, but still a better horror sequel than most horror series. The Djinn is still a scary villain and the deaths are still creative. I don't even want to watch Wishmaster 3 or 4 because Andrew Divoff isn't the Djinn anymore, and he is what makes the first two films fun.

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I know this is supposed to be terrible and yeah, it's pretty cheesy, but I have a blast with this sequel every time. Love the premise of the Wishmaster in prison and at the casinos. Divoff is great in the role. And Holly Fields... jeez!

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