oh man. hen's origin story! this was everything i've ever wanted, i had no idea this was coming!!

this was one of the most important episodes on this show and so well-executed (i may be slightly biased because hen is my favourite character). having this flashback episode worked super well! and there was so much power in this episode - i was seriously tearing up at hen's speech to the fire crew and that ending scene.
you gotta give this show some serious credit - they bring the drama, the action, and the emotion - but then they bring out this - super important storytelling which doesn't shy away from serious issues. I absolutely LOVE that they acknowledged how hen's identity affects her life and work, how she has this triple oppression (in the form of gender, race and sexuality) - what it's like for women and especially women of colour entering certain professions.

I also loved how they showed the start of hen's friendships with athena and chimney!

I feel so empowered after this episode and I got some serious love for this show!!

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What a good episode, kind of a surprise as I never saw any coming attractions. Very nice way they did Hen’s back story. Unlike Bobby’s they spent the whole show putting it together.

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Filler episode, really. Can be skipped. I don't really care enough about these characters to make it worth watching a 40 min episode about their backstories.

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Shout by Liaminator18

I like seeing how Hen and Chim became the dynamic duo they are today, but at the same time find the episode a bit too long
they could've made it shorter and put it in with a regular episode instead, because seeing Hen be lovey dovey with Eva made me cringe so much... and don't even get me started on the firehouse scenes...

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Shout by Deleted

Really enjoyed this show thus far for being inclusive without any of the woke nonsense that has plagued TV and movies in the recent years.

And then there was this completely unnecessary girl power episode :rolling_eyes:

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40 minutes of backstory about the most 'meh' character on the team. I'm also sick of Hollywood making so many of the strong female characters be lesbian, but never having one of the guys be gay. Kind of weird that they consistently do that.

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Shout by Keri S.

The best episode yet! Loved it.

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Chim was such a good ally. Hen had to put up with soooo much misogyny, racism and homophobia!

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