Judd is slowly becoming the best character on the show.

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What happened with the characters begin episodes? Or was that the ither show

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ok, i can stomach much naiveness in such shows but i will never believe in the "message" that they try to convene through a boy shooting an arrow through woman's neck as in he saved her life bc she had a cancerous lump there. No no no no no. I can more believe that this cancer saved her life from the boy! Immediate child services on the father!!! And he tried to argue that the boy didnt want to kill her bc hes not a good shot?! Excuse me?! Then why the f is he having a bow with arrows and playing with them in his backyard?! X.X I will not believe its a toy as is upon shooting went straight through woman's neck O.O How noone reported this episode is beyond me.

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Another episode without a real plot... at least we get dream-sitcom... WTH?... Thinking about quitting this show.

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This was the worst episode of anything I've ever seen ever, and I've watched Blossom!!

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This episode was surprisingly good! 9-1-1: Lone Star gets back to what it's best at: stirring personal drama and conflict. Both the A plot and B plot are quite strong, the writing was well-done and ditched some of the more cliche-ed and played-out writing for some more grounded and down-to-earth dialogue.

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