I've rated very few series with a 10, but wow this show came out of nowhere! Easily the best sci-fi show I've seen in a long time (maybe ever?). Kudos to Netflix - this was one hell of an original.

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A bittersweet ending for a phenomenal series! Netflix continues to amaze me with its programming. This is by far the BEST sci-fi series I have ever seen and far surpasses many of the blockbuster movies as well. Every piece was fully orchestrated. I will definitely be re-watching this over and over again.

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How did the critics get it so wrong? This show is excellent! I can’t wait for Season 2!

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IMO this show is neither as bad as the critics make it out to be nor as good as other comments here or other forums say. And that is mainly because of the second half (after the main villain got revealed). First half was very interesting murder mystery and cyberpunk at it's finest (also great world building). Then it just became a boring and generic hero fights villain from his past. With the villain being the absolute worst part about the show. Just unbelievable and over the top.

And I know books won't ever be put on film one to one but the changes they made here really made no sense. They don't take away from the show but are just unnecessary.

Also the dude that played the abuela and Dimi is fucking fantastic.

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One of the best sci-fi shows I had the pleasure of watching. Hoping for a season 2.

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I admit it, this is a great show really, I enjoyed watching it. However, it started strong and ended a bit weak...

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Literally. I did not find the ending believable. Too clean. Too simple. Too schmaltzy. I was hoping this series would have something to say beyond Good vs Evil. At times it almost did but... the final 3 episodes unraveled all the promise the first 7 offered.

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What an excellent first season! This show gets almost everything right: the visuals, the complexity of the plot and the acting (I especially love Poe).

What I didn’t like was Rei as the main villain. I think her whole motivations were poorly portrayed. If she was only incestuous or only angry, or only wanted power or revenge or hide a crime, it would’ve been enough. But it looks like the writers threw in a lot motivations to see if something sticks. They created several layers to explain why she is like that, but all these things together don't look natural. They tried too hard to make her story look complex.

I think with Rei’s storyline the changes to the book made no sense. By mixing Takeshi’s sister with the main villain in the novels they screwed it up.

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Shout by Deleted

Why not throw in some ex machina character...lol...lizzie....righiiit

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Lizzie sucked. The comments are right, the series got weak. I like the actor they brought in for Takeshi in season two, but I don’t have much hope for the writing.

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Season finale, I liked it a lot, that contempt of the rich, that believe superior

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This was one of the best sci-fi series I've seen. Now I need to read the book.


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Shout by Jim G.

Some decent closure, with answers and a couple of twists in the mix. While I await ALTERED CARBON II: THE SEARCH FOR QUELL, I'll just sit here and be extremely grateful to live in a time when television of this quality is available for me to enjoy.

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