Brilliant tie-in with Coven from AHS!! Loved it.

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The way I audibly gasped at that ending! If you wanna pay homage to the original show with a fresh story, this is how you do it!
I wasn’t fully convinced in the beginning but it’s a very slow burn and the suspension and tension definitely builds up as the episode progresses. Far better than season one.

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A great way to start off the second season. We all know the first season is garbage but this one is way different in terms of quality. The difference is they actually give a shit about the story and put decent effort into it, and the effort put into the costume and set designs is incredible as well. Now I'm super stoked for the next episode!

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Well this one was fun! Pretty cool story, characters and outfits.

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A very good episode to start the season with, dark and with a clear aesthic. Loved the ending and all that happened, liked this one much more than the 1st season premiere.

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First of all bitch, run away and don't save this little shit who treated you like a thing from the start.
Second, isn't porcelain breakable? Just ram yourself into a wall and done

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Holy crap! Well I already like this season better than last season :open_mouth:

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I love the fact that, despite this episode illustrating the very fine line between Christianity and insanity, just because it's not "woke" (the only POC was essentially a voiceless slave), the conservatives seem on board. How blind they are not to see that, once again, the AHS team are calling them out.

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Wow! I did not expect that ending!

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