At last an above average episode and by far the best so far. Good pretence, a creepy storyline together with lots of jump scares results in the perfect horror. Only complaint is it could’ve been expanded over a full AHS season and the 40min episode was just far too short.

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What a bad argument, lousy, if the following chapters are going to continue like this, it is better not to release more seasons.

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Thought the beginning was ok but just got so cheesy! Sorry Manny Coto... wasn't your best work.

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Crazy to think that Alicia Silverstone as an acting career of 30 years under her belt. In this episode it seems like she just started acting yesterday. Painful to watch, terrible!

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This episode reminds me of the Supernatural episode Dead in the water, with a worse story

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I give this episode the "Weakest Episode of the Season" award. Everything about it was meh at best. Not one good actor in sight (sorry, Alicia), and the story was just... so bad, so uninspired.

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The mystery... 8ft(!!) below the surface...
Terrible acting, unnatural dialogue and a stupid story to boot. "100s" died in the lake and somehow it takes the ghost of their dead teenage son to get the father back to the lake when they had a vacation home there all along?:rolling_eyes:

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story could have been good if the casting director did better cause these actors were so poor to keep me intrigued

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Every minute of this episode was a struggle to watch. So boring and the acting is terrible.

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Shout by hannah
BlockedParent2024-04-17T09:20:37Z— updated 2024-09-05T08:07:40Z

the acting in this episode was so incredibly awful?? my standards are pretty low but DAMN

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I act better than this when I'm taking a shower and I pretend to win an award.

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