This is by far the best episode; what Fogg said about love is so relatable, I like his character that constantly tries to help even if he's focused on his trip. This series has been crazy so far, hope it will keep this rhythm.

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I have decided to drop the series half way through. It is beautiful to look at and I love David Tennant, but this ain't it.

The book has its problems, especially read from a 21st century lense, but at its core it is a fun adventure and pure escapism. There adaptations that are more faithful or that deviate from the book but at least capture it's silly fun aspect and sense of adventure and exploration, this however is a bleak, way too serious version that does nothing for more. The characters have no chemistry, are not particularly likeable, the "adventures" feel incoherent and shoehorned in, it's too heavy-handed for its own good and even few moments of levity feel unearned. It's also just very boring and if there's anything an adventure shouldn't be, it's boring.

It might be a reimagination for some people, but it is not one for me.

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