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Arrow: Season 5

5x19 Dangerous Liaisons

Felicity is being a ducking b1tch.

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Shout by Narendran
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-04-27T04:52:58Z— updated 2019-11-23T13:26:50Z

Felicity is such a hypocrite. God, I hate her so much. Where does she get the audacity to blame Oliver when she betrays Team Arrow and puts them in danger and even accuses him of lying to her when she has been doing exactly that since she joined Helix. Ughh. And after that last scene it's so fucking obvious that Adrian Chase has been working with Helix ._.

All in all it was a pretty good episode overall. Just the stuff with Felicity annoyed me. I love the chemistry between the Wild Dog and Hoss. That moment with his daughter was a great scene.
Can't wait for the stuff with Chase to go down. I love his character! Always 10 steps ahead.
Also, I really miss Thea xD

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Felicity was always Oliver's voice of reason. Now when he tries to be her's, she gets all mad. What a hypocrite.

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My Goodness! This season has been amazing and it only keeps getting better. I'm so excited right now! I'm just looking forward to seeing it. And the titled of the next episodes don't let me catch a break. Lian Yu! I'm so excited for that final showdown with all the characters together to stop Prometheus. But who am I kidding? I need to see Slade back, kid!

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Shout by Deleted

Felicity can go and fuck herself.

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I see the Felicity show has returned boring.

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Yeah he was under your computer all along HAHA

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Making a pact with the devil has consequences

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Shout by Hama Yun

This is a soap, literally no arrow anymore.
I cannot wait for the season finale of Arrow, see Chase getting stabbed or killed by Mr. Fairplay's blue balls. And get over this show.

Sireously, first gun control issues blabla, now they are talking about guantanamo Bay spots on US soil. What's next Trump or fake news will be mentioned. I mean I try to escape from politics around me 24/7 to come it across in the last place I expect it. Superhero shows.

Lastly, next time they might as well leave ARGUS and that hacker alone and just wait for chase to come to their secret hideout. I mean how many people in StarrCity have received the memo with security codes to that place.
Everyone literally everyone is marching inside that place setting of zero alarms etc. I mean enough with this bullshit season.
Can't wait for it to end.

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