Wtf Eren.. just savage with the truth out of nowhere

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This episode is so hard to watch, poor Mikasa :(

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What do they need an army for? They have Levi, he's basically a nuclear warhead.

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Levi is so f***in badass. And i like it this way!!!!

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Shout by Reiko LJ

I can excuse the poor animation this season but I draw the line at that music choice for the long awaited Levi x Zeke rematch. What the actual fuck.

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To whoever chose the music for that levi and zeke scene, FUCK YOU.

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Shout by Jon P

I hated the scene with Eren and Mikasa. I'm relatively indifferent to Armin.. but she didn't deserve that even if he probably has some motives we're not aware of yet. :(

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Shout by Thomas 'Volks' Cunliffe
BlockedParent2021-03-23T21:10:27Z— updated 2022-01-10T17:47:48Z

Eren being mean: :frowning:

Levi being a badass: :smiley:

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This must have been the most brutal episode of the whole series!

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That was brutal! I didn’t expect the conversation between Eren and Mikasa/Armin to take this turn. Eren did not hold his punches, and then to have Mikasa automatically hold down Armin when he lunged towards Eren was extremely heartbreaking.

Levi’s arc is also tragic, the guy is a badass, there is no doubt about that, but his previous breakdown and then being forced to kill all his comrades was cruel.

Floch is such an irritating character, I want to punch his face whenever he is on screen!

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Another episode that shows why Levi is the best character ever.

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Awesome episode but that song during levi vs zeke was honestly a terrible choice.

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One more about Ackerman's lore and fandom wild debates and theories at that time.

In anime they changed the order of scenes so it wasn't as eye-catching as it was in the manga. But in ch. 112 we got Eren explaining Ackerman's headaches to Mikasa and in like 16 panels later, in the same chapter, we got panel of Levi refusing to follow the plan of killing Eren while spotting similar gesture to a person having a headache in general and even drawing similar way to how Mikasa's headaches were shown in earlier chapters.


As one can imagine that lead to speculation of not only Mikasa being unable to kill Eren (if needed be) but also Levi.
One way or another I'm pretty sure it was intentional on Isayama's part)

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give me the god damn 2 minutes rn

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