Wow. They actually ended it on the last panel of ch. 116!!! They basically didn't show you guys anything, yet. Damn, that's just brutal.
But also hilarious. I was sure that in order to put all the important info from 2 chapters they would have to cut some small stuff for good. But nope! Not even the smallest thing was cut from the manga... except for the panels revealing what happened to Levi and Zeke afterwards. Which I assume everyone wanted to see the most)
Brilliant move. Instead of 1 cliffhanger this way they got 3 cliffhangers for anime fans.
I freaking loved the Passing. And to be fair they archived it thanks to cutting two major plot points from the manga. They probably gonna start Part 2 with Levi and Zeke scenes. There is just no way around it. They have to show it eventually.. Oh and the dialogues this episode all hitted the right note except for infodump between Pixies and Yelena.
I can't believe that Porco was shown in the manga too before Jaw appears and I didn't notice him back then. Too be fair it wasn't as in your face as in the anime. But still
Eren vs Pieck - their whole interaction couldn't have been done better.
"Show us. Where's the enemy? There. - I was waiting for this scene. It was perfect.
Anime fans in week or two manga will officially end. So spoilers would be everywhere. Be careful. And goodluck!
To summarize part 1 of Season 4:
Blessing in disguise. Characters, their mindset and themes were handled right. Marley's arc in particular. Manga had more gradual reveal of some plot points, but I'm not sure that in the end Zeke's plan suffered from it for example. Cuts and rearrangements worked most of the times. Especially in episodes like Children of the Forest as well done set up. Hell, Gabi and Falco focused chapter was almost unbearable to read through. But with some small tweaks to timeline and pushed around storylines Gabi and Falco focused episode was actually enjoyable in the anime.
They managed to get passing under control and let scenes breath after 4 or so episode.
Action did suffered. Well, Levi action scenes suffered alot in my opinion the rest was decent to good. Certainly not worst than Eren vs Reiner in season 3 I'm not a fan of soft retcon with the Ackermans. Purpose of it just seems unclear in regards to the future storyline changes. Oh and there is definitely moments where animation felt way off. Not even season 3 had this many derp faces)
Ok, so Part 1 covered 25 chapters in 16 episodes. Only 22 chapters left. Here's hoping that it would give us at least 14 episodes. That would be ideal passing. Apparently Part 2 would came out around January 2022.
p.s. I can't believe that final chapter will drop in like a week. Hope, it won't dissapoint.
Holy Shitttttt!!!
I'm sooooooo High bc of the ending
this was epic and it's gonna more epic!
still hating both reiner and gabi up to this day
still hating both reiner and gabi up to this day
Pieck can rot, I can't stand her. Besides her titan is even uglier than the monkey titan, plain repulsive.
The time skip between the past season and this one was too much, because now is difficult to know what the hell is going on with the characters. Like yeah Eren is in depressed-asshole mode right now but his own friends were talking about killing him and feeding him to someone episodes ago, wtf?? He got fucked up the moment he saw the past and probably the future, carrying the pain of several generations and all of that. And the eldians saying they should have peaceful solutions must be joking, they didn't get the memo that the rest of the world wants to exterminate them just because they exist.
Fuck the marleyans and the wannabe marleyans acting as their dogs, calling their own race demons, pathetic.
I need to wait for so long:rolling_eyes:
Several times changed sides. I guess the main character can't just become such an asshole to his friends, it was made in purpose. And the way how Mikasa acted was so annoying before I realized the truth. But Gabi is still annoying :smile:
When post the next episode, I need now
I was putting off reading the manga until this season was over (which was initially after this episode) mainly because I wanted to be surprised by the anime. But now that we are getting a part 2 and the fact that it will be in 2022, that is such a long wait so I guess I will be starting the manga and hopefully can make myself stop before reaching the end (and avoid spoilers) just to leave some suspense for the anime.
Shout by Matías M.BlockedParent2021-03-28T23:18:07Z
I need to see more! I can't wait for the final !