Pretty much a nigh perfect season of television. With one exception ("Return to Omashu"), every episode in this is nigh flawless, and even the one that isn't is still a great episode. And what makes this season so great is how it so delicately balances it's cast, it's themes, and it's narrative. It's a more character centric season, benefiting from a tighter story and less location hopping as we stick to one place for a large chunk of it's runtime. And yet it never gets boring, instead earning every single development it has.

And it's not afraid to get darker either - for all Avatar's whimsy and humor, of which this season still has plenty, it's growing darkness allows the show to go to more philosophical places. The key here is in knowing it's audience and not talking down to them - these are simple lessons, sure, but profound ones too, and it's complimented by the fantastic action, superb animation, and brilliant character work. Such a great season and one of the best ever produced for animation.

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Even though I love the first season's finale, my first feeling that this series can be something special is during Toph's introduction episodes, because "The Blind Bandit" - "Zuko Alone" - "The Chase" is a helluva run.

That promise is more than confirmed by the Ba Sing Se stretch that covers about half the season (from "The Serpent's Pass" to "Crossroads of Destiny"), which ranks up there with the most sustained best stretches of any show. All excellent to show-stopper, not a weak, or even just merely good, episode to be found. I love the many recurrent characters and their intersections, even right down to minor comic ones. Especially partial to the epic episodes, in which the actions are so, so good and inventive ("The Drill", "Lake Laogai", "The Crossroads of Destiny"). "Appa's Lost Days" isn't one of those but so format-breaking, and intense (but never exploitative) in its animal-in-peril depiction that I love it about the same anyway. Speaking of, Appa is one of the great animated creatures ever, a very Miyazaki mix of the cuddly, the whimsy, and animal rough instinct.

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Shout by rafael
BlockedParent2018-07-03T00:20:24Z— updated 2018-08-14T15:34:29Z

First season was good but that was just about it. When I started the second one it seemed that would go in the same direction but after the introduction of Toph, this season just keept getting better and better...


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While my opinion of the first season was mostly positive, the second season took a marked turn to the worse.

Yeah yea, Iroh and Top had their moments and are pretty good characters. But the overarching plot is about infuriatingly incompetent adults in power, very convenient events that contribute nothing to the final outcome, setups with disappointing payoffs, and a penultimate episode that made me quit the show for good.

Maybe I would have liked it if I were a kid.

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Cannot find this movie.....anywhere. Not on IMBD.

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