A little disappointed by the back pedalling here. Failure is a harsh lesson, but after endlessly demonstrating how important it is for Aang to have his friends there to help him up to this point I'm surprised that his first instinct was to go it alone again.

Possibly I was also taken by surprise by how many things have suddenly changed here.

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Aang again must deal with failure!

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Whoa. Not gonna lie. Azula looked pretty fiiiiiiine in her nightgown at the end. Wincest incoming?

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There are lots of big feelings and heavy emotions in this episode. From Zuko's conflicted angst to Aaangs guilt and shame and Katara's anger. And it's all so emotionally resonant

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Aang’s antics & Zuko’s flip flopping is getting really tiresome. The creators spent 20+ episodes dealing with this but still we see the same nonsense.

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Why Aang gotta have hair bro?

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