Shout by Deleted

Norma was doing so great, she was really happy, and it will all end now :(. I wonder if she'll ask Romero to pretend they're not a real couple just for Norman.

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Three people, two men and two Norma's, what could go wrong?

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This boy knows how to make us think he's fine. I totally bought it... Sad for Norma who's gonna end her happiness for him (again)

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I guess Romero will handle Norman ^^

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Cada vez odio más al personaje de Norman, lo peor de todo es que en la vida real existen personas así, solo que sin su trastorno.
Gente triste y patética que se encarga de arruinar la felicidad de los demás porque su vida es desastrosa.

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i hate this show so much

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