Wow, what a freaking roller coaster. Made me very uncomfortable.

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Shout by miel
BlockedParent2022-06-23T00:16:47Z— updated 2022-10-02T06:07:41Z

god will tv writers ever come up with something else.

sexual assault isn’t a punishment and treating it as one is disgusting.

and beyond that, this was just an underwhelming and disappointing episode. there are multiple ways things could’ve played out but they went down the most lazy and harmful route. ive been waiting for this show to step into being the masterpiece everyone claims it is, yet it continues to fail and bore. what a waste of a great cast—the women especially. kara thrace is fantastic and i wish she was a character on a better show. same goes for dee and boomer.

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Rape is not entertainment. I'm not watching this shit anymore.

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The magic of this episode is that it still holds up to this day, and the key moments still work perfectly, even if you know what's coming. The opening scene alone is one of the best of the show, maybe next only to the initial attack and a very few key battles and ... suprises.

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Such an incredible episode. Watch the extended cut of possible. Scenes which were deleted for runtime reasons add a surprising amount of context. It was on the next disc of my box set. Luckily I'd spotted it ahead of time.

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Holy shit, what an episode, I bet this fkn Admiral is a Cylon!

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