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BBC Alba Documentaries

Season 2018 2018

  • 2018-01-10T00:00:00Z on BBC ALBA
  • 1h
  • 8h (8 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • Documentary
BBC Alba is a Scottish Gaelic language digital television channel jointly owned by the BBC and MG Alba. The channel was launched on 19 September 2008 and is on-air for up to seven hours a day. The name Alba is the Scottish Gaelic name for Scotland. The station is unique in that it is the first channel to be delivered under a BBC licence by a partnership and is also the first multi-genre channel to come entirely from Scotland with almost all of its programmes made in Scotland. Most of the adult programming on BBC Alba contains on-screen English subtitles.

8 episodes

Season Premiere


2018x01 The Lost Monastery of Deer

Season Premiere

2018x01 The Lost Monastery of Deer

  • 2018-01-10T00:00:00Z1h

Taobh a-staigh duilleagan Leabhar Dhèir tha a' chiad sgrìobhadh riamh ann an Gàidhlig na h-Alba. Tha sgioba de dh'àrc-eòlaichean a' feuchainn ri lorg fhaighinn air manachainn Dhèir far an deach na h-earrannan seo an sgrìobhadh o chionn mìle bliadhna, agus tha iad a' lorg barrrachd na bha dùil aca.

On the shelves of the library at Cambridge University lies a book that symbolises the heart of Scottish Gaelic culture: the Book of Deer. It is a gospel book that was written in Deer in Aberdeenshire sometime between the 8th and 12th century. Within the pages of the book is the first ever writing that exists in Scottish Gaelic.

"The Book of Deer is a tiny book but it has left a huge legacy for us, not only in the north east but for the whole of Scotland. We had to wait another 200-300 years after the Book of Deer to find any more evidence of written Scottish Gaelic" - Dr Michelle MacLeod, senior lecturer in Gaelic at University of Aberdeen. Without doubt, one of the most important texts in the Scottish Gaelic language, the Book of Deer was written in the ancient monastery of Deer that disappeared over 1,000 years ago.

This documentary is the story of a team of archeologists, students and volunteers who spent nine days on an archaeological dig in the hunt for the lost monastery of Deer, and they found more than they bargained for.

Documentary following The Gambia Partnership, a tiny Christian charity from the Western Isles of Scotland, as they attempt to build a school in the west African country of Gambia.

Sgeul cha mhòr caillte, air mar a chaochail faisg air 700 neach nuair a thug a'Chiad Chogadh slac air cladach Ìle. 'Sa Ghearran 1918 chuir bàt'-aigeann Gearmailteach torpedo ann an long làn shaighdeirean, an Tuscania. Chaill còrr is 200 am beatha, eadar saighdeirean Aimeireaganach agus criubha Breatannach. Ochd mìosan as dèidh sin, bhuail an HMS Otranto ann an long eile san aona chabhlach, ann an gaillionn eagallach, san do chaochail faisg air 500. Cha d'fhuair ach 19 beò air tìr an Ìle. Sgeul dorcha ach le leus na gaisgeachd air a feadh.

Mar a thug sgiobair calma long-chogaidh 600 neach air bòrd bhon Otranto mus deach i fodha, is mar a chuir eileanaich iad fhèin ann an gàbhadh gus daoine am impis am bàthadh a shlaodadh gu tìr. Tha am prògram stèidhichte air aithrisean a rinneadh aig an àm, leothasan a fhuair as beò, leothasan a chunnaic na thachair, agus le an càirdean.

The unknown story of how nearly 700 men died when World War I crashed onto to the coast of the inner Hebridean island of Islay. In February 1918, the troopship Tuscania was torpedoed by a German U-boat. More than 200 American soldiers and British crew died as lifeboats were dashed against Islay's cliffs. Eight months later, HMS Otranto collided with another ship in its convoy in a terrible storm, killing nearly 500 men. Just 19 reached Islay's shore alive.

The tragic tale is shot through with stories of heroism and self-sacrifice. A fearless destroyer captain snatched 600 men from the stricken Otranto before it sank, and islanders risked their lives to drag half-drowned survivors from sea.

The programme is based on contemporary accounts of survivors and witnesses, and on interviews with family members of American soldiers, British crewmen and islanders who lived through the tragedies.

2018x04 Ceum Air Cheum/First Steps

  • 2018-05-06T23:00:00Z1h

This documentary looks at what it's like adjusting to life with a prosthetic leg. For the majority of cases leg amputations are as a result of diabetes and poor circulation among older people. 60-year-old bus mechanic John Murphy, from Glasgow, has had his lower left leg removed just two weeks ago. We follow him as he is fitted for a new leg and hopes to be able to walk again, something his livelihood depends on.

2018x05 Obair Ealain/Street Art

  • 2018-09-18T23:00:00Z1h

Tha luchd ealain ainmeil a’ dèanamh air Alba bho gach ceàrnaidh dhen t-saoghal airson aon de na tachartasan ealain-sràide as motha san Roinn Eòrpa: Nuart Obar Dheathain. Buaireasach, ionmholta, a’ cur an aghaidh ughdarras; abair gun toir e buaidh air an àite.
Chaidh dusan ealanaiche-sràide fhastadh airson meadhan baile Obar Dheathain ath-bheothachadh, ach chan eil aca ach còig latha airson a' bhaile a thoirt beò mus fhosgail an Fhèis.
‘S e am fear-ealain Martyn Reed a tha stèidhichte ann an Stavangar, a chur Nuart air bhonn. Tha e ag iarraidh cur às dha na bacaidhean a tha a' cumail obair ealain air leth, agus fhosgladh dhan t-sluagh. Tha e a' feuchainn ri annas a dhèanamh às an àbhaist, agus 's e sin cuspair na Fèise “A Revolution of the Ordinary”.
Cha b' fhada bho bha graffiti mì-laghail, ach a-nise tha fèil mhòr air ealain-sràide. Tha sinn a’ leanntainn na h-ealanaichean fhad 's a tha iad ag ath-bheòthachadh cùl-shràidean Obar Dheathain.
World famous artists arrive in Scotland from all corners of the globe for one of Europe’s biggest street art events: Nuart Aberdeen. Edgy, stunning, provocative, subversive; their work makes an impact. These 12 international street artists have come to paint the grey streets of Aberdeen red (and blue, and green) and they have only five days to complete their work before the Festival opens.
Stavanger-based artist Martyn Reed, who founded Nuart, is on a mission to remove the barriers that place art on a pedestal – and return it to the people. He wants to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, giving rise to the festival’s theme ‘A Revolution of the Ordinary’.
But when does illegal graffiti become celebrated street art? We get behind the scenes to see what makes the artists tick, what inspires their work, and how they cope when the weather turns. The results provoke reactions - some good, some bad and in one case the art proves just too much and has to be taken down.


2018x06 Tommy Burns

2018x06 Tommy Burns

  • 2018-09-20T23:00:00Z1h

Ten years on from his death from cancer at just 51 years old, Tommy Burns’ daughters and sons look back on the life and career of their beloved father, a much-revered player and manager of both Celtic and Kilmarnock.

2018x07 Gaol is Call/Labour of Love

  • 2018-10-08T23:00:00Z1h

Ciamar as urrainn a ghiùlan nuair a tha dùil ri breith pàiste is an ath rud chan eil ann ach bròn is briseadh-cridhe? An dèidh mar a thachair dhi fhèin, tha an tè-naidheachd Màiri Rodgers a’ cluinntinn nan sgeulachdan pearsanta aca fhèin bho bhoireannaich agus an teaghlaichean.
It should be the happiest time in anyone’s life. But when the anticipation of pregnancy turns into the grief of miscarriage or stillbirth, how do women and their families find hope for the future? Drawing on her own experience journalist Mairi Rodgers meets others to hear their stories.

Unique access to Lewis singer-songwriter Colin Macleod as he tours on both sides of the pond.
