Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-05-06T10:43:03Z— updated 2021-06-13T03:45:53Z

  • These poor assistants
  • Nvm
  • Blurry perspective?
  • I forgot about Todd's fam
  • Assistants are really everything, huh?
  • Cabracadabra? Wow
  • Princess Carolyn and Lenny Turteltaub are freaky
  • Princess Carolyn and Lenny Turteltabu are nefarious
  • That's therapy?
  • Todd's dad is better at Todd shenanigans than Todd?
  • Princess Carolyn has a change of heart?
  • Todd wins!
  • Judah! YES. You have no idea how big my grin is right now!
  • Wait, he should've realised he's 'white'? That's not the answer I expected

"You can't help anybody else unless you're honest with yourself." Damn, BoJack!

  • Damn, BoJack!

SCORE: 8/10

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Wow. An interesting Todd story ? It's been forever. And with some real background and potential for growth, that's almost unheard of. Also Jorge seems like a real interesting guy, really too bad we haven't seen him earlier. Good laugh at the shop that sells organs and organs. Also the "I thought that things just don't work out, but I should have realized you are white" bit. On point.

The intro is perfect. "We have one request: to not be treated like garbage. - It appears we are at an impasse". Apart from that, I'm not really into the strike plot. Specifically for Princess Carolyn. Her assistant is clearly the worse and I don't see how his absence would lead to such chaos. It's also very (very!) nice of her to see herself in him and not want to screw him up, but also why the hell would she see herself in him ? On the other hand Judah ! Fuck yeah!

Bojack's side is nice in that it confirms his growth. He genuinely tries to help, instead of using it to extend his stay like he wanted to do. It's however not that interesting.

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Jaime Camil is Jorge Chávez!!! I love that guy.

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