So far, so epically awesome!! OMG! I'm loving this hard! Specially how it's totally intermingled and not just 40 min of one show and then another.
Also, oh my heart! Is Kelly finally gonna settle down?!

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Fantastic episode. The participation of PD and MED is amazing. I like when they go big! MED didn't got an episode, but they are all over the place.

Hope the fallout in PD and Justice makes it all worthwhile.

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Shout by JasperKazai

This episode brought to you by Walmart... as evidenced by the clearly visible bag Stella brought in, and the firetrucks driving past a giant Walmart sign.

Lmao, of course there just so happened to be a random-ass wooden ladder leaning against a wall right in the room where they needed a ladder.

It's kind of strange to see a scene comprised only of P.D. and Med characters... but it's happening on Fire.

Oh come on, the "can I use your bathroom" suicide ploy was so obvious. Somebody should've realized.

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