Of course they finally had to throw in some anti-gun harping. Too bad they didn't keep that idiot Halstead away on protection for longer. The first season was quite good but now it's standard Hollywood soap opera populated with imbeciles and psychopaths. How many chances to screw up is that dumb bitch Curry going to get for instance?

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Shout by JasperKazai

Incel episodes are always unintentionally hilarious. It's so silly and stupid seeing it portrayed dead serious.
April getting upset with Ethan for saving the incel's life, which is his (and her!) job, was equally stupid. Get over yourself. You're a medical professional. You treat despicable people all the time. First do no harm and all that jazz.

What kind of absolute idiot do you have to be to try and wrestle a surgeon who is in the middle of treating your son? Fucking hell...

Honestly, I always assumed Ava had slept with Connor's dad.

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I have to say Natalie's and Will relationship is toxic. None of them are listening to each other and is lacking comprehension. She's to inflexible and he's emotive.

Really missed opportunity to deal with pts without putting the gun control/use agenda in the middle and there where better ways to push this discussion. I'm annoyed when this agendas are discussed with the Will/Natalie duo, because she has a super strong moral reaction and will an emotional, the lack of understanding makes it artificial. something I don't fell with others characters.

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