Howard is really putting an effort into posing as Howard Prime, and it's a lot of fun to watch, specially when he's disrupting Howard Prime's (lack of) emotional life. At the same time, Howard Prime carries on being an asshole and not giving a fudge about living Howard's life. Someone's probably gonna notice him sooner than they will notice the other Howard.
The revelation of the mole's identity was quite an unexpected surprise! And the plot thickens... Next week can't come soon enough!

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Ok Counterpart... you got me there... DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING!!
Although the clues were there all this time (yes I went through the previous eps again): at the safe house when she told Baldwin about her other, when the girl with the 2 guys told her it is an honour, at the super market when she met her friend and told her they were expecting her tonight
WOW ok Shadow, well played
That revelation blew my mind, and it has been a while since I was really taken aback like this

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Oof, that coffee mug continuity error around 12 minutes… Thing almost did a 180 in the space of a cut. :joy_cat:

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