Personal Lists featuring...

Crusade 1999


Shows and movies released between 1990 and 1999.


List created and maintained by



Space opera is a form of Sci-Fi that emphasizes fantastical, romanticized Adventure stories set in outer space, either in the far future or in an alternate universe, usually involving extensive space travel, aliens, exotic locations, traditional hero and villain figures (although not exclusively), and large-scale warfare between advanced societies. It usually involves scientifically implausible concepts like fast spacecraft propulsion and other forms of futuristic weapons and advanced technologies like Mecha.

As a result of that, space opera typically implements Action's fast-spaced sequences and choreographed fight scenes, and plot lines centered around War. Space opera narratives do not usually emphasise scientific accuracy or realism and take advanced technologies for granted, focusing chiefly on storytelling.


TV-shows released and aired between 1990 & 1999, or beyond.
*last update 06/03/2024


Canceled TV shows that didn't get closure. Most of them probably ends with a cliffhanger or unresolved plotlines. (If my memory is correct.)
