Still getting the same vibes even after 2 years of reading the book. They nailed it.

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It was frustrating how the main character took so long to realize what happened to him.. but things got interesting at the end.

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Whelp, YAASICS (yet another Apple show I can't stand)

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Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god!

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Shocked by this ending. And the pops??

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SO. FUCKING. GOOD. Blake Crouch is an amazing author and the way they were able to capture his style of writing in a show is incredible. I’m hooked!

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Good series, gripping. I wasn't bored at any part of it. Everything is getting very complicated.:grin:

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It was all feeling like a déjà vu, to me, (after all, Counterpart already did a similar thing a couple of years ago, and excelled at it), until that ending. Now, things seem to finally be picking up the pace and get properly interesting. Hopefully.

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The premise is hardly original at this point, but I mostly enjoyed the execution in this episode. I'm not happy with the ending, though.

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Shout by Aid45

What the bloody hell. That bitch shot Daniela

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Better than the first episode, but after seeing this one, I appreciate the slowness and setup it gave this episode.

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Shout by Kid

2024-07 8/10 Beginning was slow, took too long to get to the point where they realize it's parallel worlds. But then the ending was really good, was not expecting the other Daniella to be interested in him and then for the ending to happen.

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A good slow episode that takes the characters into this dual reality. I didn't like the very end.

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Well holy sh….did not expect that at the end.

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Things are getting interesting in a hurry.

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I wish he wasn't so dumb and that he wasn't a person who was definitely going to cheat on his real wife, ew.

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Shout by andrewb65

All very predictable so far, including the episode 2 cliff-hanger. Due to the lack of originality, I decided to read the novel synopsis. I hope the TV production has introduced a 'limiting factor', otherwise it would just get silly.

It would have been more interesting if Jason1 had to learn how to use the cube to find his living son in a version where he and his wife recently died. Him being such a family man and all that.

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