The best tribute to George Romero would be to not have made this mediocre zombie series.

NB. Zombies busting out of graves is Return of the Living Dead. At least be inspired by the right series.

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Absolutely awful. A complete waste of time. And what was the deal with the Lauren Boebert wannabe?

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Maaan... The first 2mins I felt like this was like some stupid B-movie, one of those with stupid killing action, with blood jerking all over the place lol
I'm watching it late and I was getting sleepy. But when it became INTERESTING, the sleepliness flew away lol. It was a good first episode. Season one is over so I'll be looking forward to a season 2 and 3 if those in the Canada like it.

Sooo, like the description of the series said it, I hope this will be a GOOD tribute Mr. Romero's Day of the Living Dead :heart:

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A a huge fan of the Romero movies, minus survival, I'm definitely looking forward to the series.

First episode wasn't bad but I do have issues with it.

If you're going to make a show based off of and named after a predetermined universe, it should follow the same rules as the original. In this one we see zombies that can dig their way out of the ground and they don't die when their brain is destroyed. Romero zombies aren't strong enough to dig their way up through 6 ft of dirt and they die when shot in the head or when their brain is destroyed. The only similarity between Romero zombies and these ones is that they're slow.

So my basic impression so far is that it's not a bad start for a zombie show but it does not feel like a Romero zombie show. If you want to use the name, then your zombies should follow the same basic rules as the original.

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Very disappointed overall. Terrible acting. Zombies digging out of six ft graves. It got ridiculous when he mowed over a few heads and actually grinned. Like really? I loved Zombie Nation but FX cancelled it and gave us this? Bring back that show and trash this one, please!

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Well, that was fun. Well paced and pretty silly. Enjoyed this first episode. Will be back for more. By the way the zombies are totally Romero.oer

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