This episode is great fun.

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Gotta admit that I barely paid attention to this episode. Immediately I lost interest. It was one of the weakest episodes in the entirety of the show. I don't even know why but it just didn't work for me.

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"Oh girl, we don't ask those questions." - Basically the tagline when watching this show. (Usually don't mind. I've embraced this part of LoT. I just really did not enjoy this episode at all.)

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Not gonna lie I completely forgot I was watching Legends for almost the entire episode...

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The Sara/Ava pussy whipped story line is getting boring.

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I know I've said before that this show can be at its best when it goes all-in timey-wimey wacko, but this wasn't it. This was far more farcical than anything else—from candied Fidel to pointless football—and so much of it just made no sense whatsoever, including Eva handing the Waverider and mission over solely to Mick (while the rest of the crew will now do... what?). There were some fun and funny moments, but not enough of them to make up for the Bay of Farce that was the rest.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

The last person I was expecting to see was Holly from Rookie Blue. I think we all know where this is going!

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