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Doctor Who 2005

This show didn't end. TMDB incorrectly marked it as ended and labelled next episodes as part of a separate show. IMDB shows seasons correctly and has Season 14. Is there any way to report this so it could get fixed?

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Love the show, I only wish there were more episodes a year

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Shout by Deleted

a,my and rory are dead dont touc h me

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Complete agree about it being the best thing on TV :D

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never seen Whitaker in anything else before Doctor Who so i can't comment on her acting ability, but i hear she was good in Broadchurch so i can only assume she is good with dramatic roles. as The Doctor however, she is woefully bad, with her performance coming across as a bad Tennant/Smith impression and her facial expressions look as if she is practising for a gurning competition.

her costume is terrible (looks like she raided Mork from Orks wardrobe), the new Tardis interior is the worst i have ever seen, far too gloomy and depressing and even the new theme tune is terrible. except for Graham, her companions are so wooden, they practically spew wood chips when they speak.

the season 11 finale was underwhelming, and the season 12 finale completely wrecked canon as well as 50 odd years of Who history. the writing is terrible and the new showrunner needs to go if the show ever stands any chance of recovering

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Was great but then it turned into a mess of woke, SJW and left wing rubbish.

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Used to be brilliant, not now.

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The new doctors sucks ass (or the writers are garbage). Great idea to get a female lead but terrible execution. Just wait for the next doctor...90% of the episodes under the current doctor is mostly about lecturing you, SJW, METOO movement, etc. You’re better off reading a good book instead of wasting your time on this garbage.

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Since 1963, Doctor Who has been revolutionary. The show has reacted to the changing world, always left wing, always supporting the individual. Eccleston, Tennant, Smith and Capaldi magnificently portayed a man who had no centre, but was always determined to do (occasional glitches aside) the right thing. My recommendation is to watch the lot but stop at Chris Chibnall (Jodie Whittaker), Jodie could have been a fine - even exceptional - Doctor, but she was undermined by Chibnall's pathetic insistence on resuscitating a sory from more than twenty years ago that had absolutely zero relevance to the Davies/Moffat rebirth (and wouldn't even have worked as intended in the Sylvester McCoy era). Chibnall's laughable idea was that the character played by William Hartnell in 1963 was not the first Doctor - with that single notion he disrespected those people - old series and new series -who had built a mesmerising mythology. Amyway - enough, Everything before Chibnall is magnificent.

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Love this show but Season 11 was terrible. And I thought Season 10 was bad. It looks like every new season, for the past couple of seasons, the show just gets worst & worst. Wish they would go back to the style of first 7 seasons of the reboot. Or just completely reboot this show once again.

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goated show. best show oat :goat:

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The death of Doctor Who is confirmed #RIPDoctorWho

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Used to be AMAZING till 10 season ;c miss all that thing, miss Capaldi

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I really want the new doctor to work but so far it’s just blah. I don’t get the same excitement I used to get from watching doctor who. This doctor & the last doctor are just boring. Hopefully they get better writers. It’s either that or the acting. Either way I would say you’re not missing much from the new season of doctor who.

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I really want to like the new season of doctor who but just doesn’t feel like doctor who. So far the first 3 episodes don’t create that sense of excitement I used to get from watching doctor who. Hopefully the episodes get better.

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Without doubt, my favorite tv show of all time, Tennant ;-; i miss you senpai

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who has the been the stable of good British TV for the past 50 years and keeps getting better, this of course is down to the writers and of course writer / executive producer Stephen Moffat who since 2004 has been giving us a darker, scarier (Blink) episodes and Russell T Davis (the man who brought back the Doctor in 2005). Amazing visual effects and great performances from Billy Piper, David Tennant, Jenna Coleman, Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi. You can see why Doctor Who is loved around the globe.

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Why is this show reported as ended? It's still running. There were 4 new specials late 2023, and a new season starting 2024.

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I had high hopes for Jodie's doctor. But Chris Cinbal really had some bad scripts for her. Now its her final season and the wrting gets good. I think Jodie did the best that she could with bad scripts.

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The more antique, loved and best show who teach people great lessons at every single episode. Doctor Who is the most beautiful work and I'll always be grateful for this show!!! (Reviewing it for the second time)

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Was hooked since season one! Although i felt like season 11's start was slow and boring overall. Kinda interesting choice to change the Doctor to a women. It brought some old interesting facts back, but still disappointing after all.

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Basically... RUN!

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This is showing as ended, but there's a new series already started.

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This show is not ended, it’s shooting new season now that will premiere in 2024!

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So doctor who is ending, to make place for doctor who. 3rd time let's go!

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11 and the ponds the best ever tbh

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I really love the show. Still waiting for more episodes!

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Seems to be going in a strange but new direction in the last few seasons but I've always been a who fan since the classic shows (tom baker been my frav) so there is only one thing to say.....

Would you like a jelly baby?

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I hope season 13 (2021) ends up being good but not holding my breath given that Whittaker is still the doctor. Will have to suffer through her terrible rendition of the doctor & oh yea all the SJW crap the writers will be throwing in. But I do hope they focus more on the si-fi aspects of the show.

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Watched from Day 1 of S1E1 upto Peter Capaldi's Doctoe Who. He was ok but I found his version e rather boring & too serious. The storylines might have been ok but I was too bored everytime a episode showed and i watched for 5 min. Then Jodie took over - I'm fr fine with a Females being the Doctor. If the master can change into Female too that is k just both their genetic ability cb as aliens. My problem is that JW Doctoe ll Doctor whi became the most Woke , boring /badlybwritten of all seasons and the companiions were Woke /PC Tickboxesm - Old White Male, Black Individyal & even a Brown Homosexual/Bisexual /Pansexual to please the New Gen idiots who n complain about 'inclusion' bs. I am keeping fingers crossed now that JW run has ended, the original writers/directors are returning that maybe this new Doctor & Season can redeem itself and bring back old fans like me. A

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It’s a smart show. You love it or hate it

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Shout by Amber Thrall

When do the new episodes air already! ?

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The show is brillant, but it's so damn annoying to check in into the christmas specials. It takes ages to find them between those prequels, monster portraits, charity shows and what not. It really could be more ordered

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Had a very good start and kept me watching for about six or seven seasons, where I then started to lose interest. I think I didn't like Matt Smith as much.

Later I ewatched it with my sister, but we stopped after a few seasons. Not sure how many.

Definitely a very memorable show with incredibly good moments.

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I loved it, then liked it, then didn't like it so much anymore. Once Matt Smith became the doctor, I incresingly lost interest in the show. Which is sad, because it had such a good start.

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Tv, err, science fiction does not get better than this. That episode where the doctor chips at the ice is totally amazing, and there are many others like it in this series.

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The first seasons are good, but ever since Russell T Davies left, the show has mostly turned to crap, with some notable exceptions (like the 50th anniversary, which was entertaining).

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Shout by Deleted

Clara, go home. Your time is up. (Has been since quite a bit)

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Shout by Felix Schröter
BlockedParent2015-07-06T08:57:46Z— updated 2017-02-19T20:23:22Z

I love this show! It has got everything in it: action, thrill, emotions (sad & hopeful) and even a bit horror.
This show got me more than obsessed with it. It has basically become my life!

There are so many brilliant actors who portrayed the Doctor! My favorites are David Tennant, Peter Capaldi & John Hurt.
They don't just play the role of the Doctor they became him! They put so many emotions in the role it's outstanding.

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What a major disappointment! This show continues to get worse with every episode. The original series was far better than this crap.

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This show was great once... it was deep, emotional, creepy, yet funny and optimistic at the same time.

I swear each episode is more over-the-top than the last these days and I really don't like that. I'm sure it still appeals to many, many people, but it's completely lost the substance and intelligence that made me look forward to watching it every week.

Besides, there's only so many identical Dalek/Cybermen episodes I can watch before getting terminally bored with the whole thing.

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@alixaxel the first season is a bit of mess compared to the later stuff.

Watch the episode Blink ( if you want some reassurance that it gets better. That episode fairly independent and it wont spoil anything.

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Shout by Deleted

now... december! :\

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If this show is showing as ended as Disney and BBC have combined to make season 1 of a new series can anyone link the new show so I can mark it off as watched?

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Missing the possibility to check in for season 14

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For a camp scifi semi-comedy often thought of as a kid's show, Doctor Who keeps on finding ways to get compellingly heavy and emotional. Few TV shows have made me cry as much, in a good way

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New doctor. Let’s hope they don’t fuck it up more than the last 2 doctors. At least the new companion is hot AF.

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amazing show! went a bit strange by the last season but still amazing and would rewatch again.

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Shout by Aaron Harker

Why are 13x07, 13x08, and 13x09 not listed?

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Okay, this is still on-going but I need to log it in because so many seasons, so many doctors. I'm afraid I won't manage to remember it all. First of all, never seen old Who. Probably never will. Too much tv to see, not enough time. Second of all, I love my doctors. So much I cry everytime one regenerates and then I'm so mad at whoever comes next that I need a year to adjust. Same with the companions. I think I get way too attached. Right now I just finished Capaldi's run and hope I'll get to see Whittaker's turn soon, but I've loved them all. As far as Doctor goes, I have a forever fondness for Ten's run but I found Eleven's turn with Amy and Rory so very compelling (that plus the addition of River who's just amazing). I thought Twelve had a darker tone to his episodes which I thought I enjoyed but they were overall a bit too dark to my taste. Oh well. This is Doctor Who and it is all about grand speeches and epic moments. What is not to love?

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I love this show especially with David Tennant and Peter Capaldi as The Doctor.

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Season 11 Episode 11 Festive Special 2018 is missing from the list.

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The specials list here really needs cleaning up a bit - really hard to navigate especially to differentiate between actual episodes and tv extras

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Shout by Farley16

John Bishop is a breath of fresh air to the show with his Scouser (Liverpudlian) humour! The story lines so far have improved too over previous series with Jody.

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Shout by Sean the Mondasian Cyberman

Weirdly I feel like the only British Doctor Who fan on here!

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I miss the other master

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Shout by surleyone

innovative always entertaining love it

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Shout by Amber Thrall

When is it coming back!!! 1 episode a year is kinda annoying. You ppl are killing me.

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Shout by Deleted

Season One: 6.9. With bad CGI and some cringe-inducing moments, I thought I would hate this show to no end. However, there are some genuine character moments that I love, I love Christopher Eccleston’s take on the Doctor, and I love some of the interesting concepts. I just wish some of these “enemies” didn’t look so goofy or have horrible motivations or didn’t fart for no reason. With a new Doctor on the way, I’m still hyped because he looks like he will bring a fresh take that might rejuvenate my feelings for this series. I really hope so, because I do like this show a lot, but feel like the story and character development takes a back seat to more cringe moments. Here’s to hoping that Season Two is superior!

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The best show ever made !!! #DoctorWho

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Shout by Amber Thrall

WHEN IS THE NEW SEASON SUPPOSED TO COME BACK ON? BBC Hasn't even been showing the old episodes anymore. I miss my Dr.Who dammit!

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I don’t know about y’all, but I am actually really excited about a female Doctor. The last few seasons have felt really stale to me and perhaps this paradigm shift will breathe some new life into the series.

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I’ve watched every episode of Doctor Who & season 10 of 2005 reboot was the most difficult to get through. While the actor is amazing, I don’t think he made a good doctor. Can’t wait for season 11 & to see how the female doctor will fair. Still the greatest TV show ever made.

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Shout by donda67

Did not add DELETE now!

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Cannot wait for the female doctor, I just hope that they change scenario writers and don't sacrifice another season for bad story telling.

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Cant wait!!! Why is Doctor Who and Rick and Morty taking so long? I've given up on The Venture Bros

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Dr. Who is low budget crap.

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Shout by Deleted

i can't wait for the next season

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Shout by K Gopal Krishna

A mix of mind-blasting good and harrowing bad.

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I really love this TV show, it's so amazing !

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This season is really ruined by his new companion. Donna is just awful.

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Gotta love the effort that goes into the episode fanart for Doctor Who, I wish more tv shows did that.

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I love this show. I have since the early 80's.

I've only seen a couple episodes of the 1st and 2nd doctor. Ive seen all of 3, 4, 5, 6, and most of 7.
This show finally coming back in 2005 I was estatic . Thank you for bring this show back.

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Shout by Deleted

All Hail The Daleks!!!! says a Dalek in Journey's End, S4/Ep13, which a gang of companions, including Sarah Jane, Rose and Donna, helps the Doctor and the TARDIS, which the Daleks are trying to destroy. Oh and we have Mickey, Jackie, the great Martha, Captain Jack and the excellent Gwen and Wilfred pops up too. But the real STAR is DAVROS!!!!!!!! Such an attitude he has! And there's K-9 briefly and Sarah Jane's son. Still emersed in the BBC-A marathon which ends Monday, 12/29, 6 am est, then resumes on 12/31. But there will never be a CLASSIC Doctor Who marathon eh?

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Shout by Deleted

BBC-A running Christmas Invasion again, with Tennant having a rocky regen. Harriett Jones is one great prime minister. Oh, uh, why didn't they show any #9 (Christopher Eccleston) eps in this rerun marathon.

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Shout by Deleted

Still watching the marathon and it's great to see the Matt Smith eps again -- they were very good. President Richard Nixon in The Impossibel Astronaut sees the TARDIS and says, "What the hell is that?"

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Shout by Deleted

Carey Mulligan would have been a great companion -- or even the next Doctor! Oh but she had to have a big movie career after 2007's Blink ep. (Oh still having trouble getting used to the time diff -- I'm posting this at 8:46 pm EST, but it's being recorded as 5:46 PST, right, on the west coast!)

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Shout by Deleted

Okay, BBC-A, you won't show The Doctor's Daughter, but at least you're rerunning Blink with the outstanding Carey Mulligan as Sally Sarrow (S3/Ep10)

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Shout by Deleted

I hope I haven't missed The Doctor's Daughter rerun (though I do have it on dvd). It is such a great ep and Georgia Moffett was outstanding. Just looked at the marathon schedule (writing this Fri., 12/16, 3:30 pm est) and it's not upcoming. Dang! They're repeating repeats but not The Doctor's Daughter!!??!! Frickin' Daleks at BBC-A!

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Shout by Deleted

Continuing with the Doctor Who Marathon!

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Shout by Deleted

I'm too excited to sleep! Tomorrow is the day we get a new Doctor Who special...oh, and I guess it's Christmas, too.

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Shout by Deleted

DW marathon on BBC-A and I'm going backand forth after visiting friends where we (annually) watched A Christmas Story, the 1983 movie of Jean Sherphard's stories -- the best holiday movie! Then I got home and Day of the Doctor!

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Shout by Deleted

Started watching this in September and got up to date a few weeks ago. In this time I also completed Torchwood and the first two series of SJA! I already want to go back and start again with Nine!

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Shout by Rami

This show was made for me.

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Shout by Deleted

Good show

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Shout by Qtomb3D

I love ❤ the old series especially with the 4th Doctor. I like the reboot alot too, but Capaldi is the first doctor of the reboot I didn't like @first but he turned out oke after a few episodes. So until now all actors did between oke and great portraying the doctor but one, McCoy I wished I never saw the season with him as the doctor, just hideous.

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i loved doctor who untill season 8, i hate the new doctor.

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Shout by Deleted

HELP, I need the doctor!!

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Shout by Deleted

What can I say? It's the doctor!

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Shout by Matthew

Fans emphasize the actor who portrays the Doctor as if that is what makes the series enjoyable or not. There are fundamental problems with the series that a change of cast has never been able to overcome. The problem may lie in retaining the same writers.

Every person in the Doctor Who Universe speaks with a U.K. English accent. The stories are shallow and do not require a clever solution to their conflicts. Because the scripts are full of their own importance conflicts are usually solved by virtue of the presence of the Doctor. There is too much inappropriate silliness. The music direction is all over the place with the music rarely complementing what is going on in the story. Unique characters and species have become series regulars because original ideas are not encouraged in a series where fans are more comfortable with which they are already familiar. The series requires a steep learning curve for new viewers. Whatever science there is in this science fiction series is a thin veneer over a wall of fantasy.

Doctor Who is a less than average, poorly written, over acted, mess maintained by the fervency of its dedicated fan base that reinforces itself well enough to never have to acknowledge the flaws of its source.

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Shout by Matthew

This is way too over rated. The stories are bland and the characters too slap stick.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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Shout by Deleted

Doctor Who es entretenida, divertida, muy imaginativa, una vez que la empiezas a ver ya no puedes dejarla.

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The official full length TV launch trailer - Doctor Who Series 8 2014 via @YouTube

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