Great episode and the one and only Easter Special that
Just by chance I happen
To be watching on Easter Sunday 2023 lol.
True Story.
I would have loved Christiana
as The Doctors Companion,
Instant chemistry.

Oh dear that can't be good,
The Doctors Song is ending
4 Knocks and he's done.
(I'll be listening for
4 knocks from now on).

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Headcanon: Lady Christina de Souza is actually an earlier regeneration of River Song

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I'd take Souzan over bitchy Donna any day

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This was a fun solo adventure for the Doctor equivalent for me to Voyage of the Damned (minus the christmas spirit ofc). I wish the whole crew of trapped bus passengers were a little more fleshed out. I did appreciate how fun Catherine was as a character. Her criminal background and take charge attitude made for a fun dynamic with the doctor. Though it was tedious that RTD needlessly included a minor romantic element between the two (seriously why does this guy think literally all young women want the doctor).

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This is the best episode of Doctor Who because Lady Christina de Souza.

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