That's another stellar episode of Doctor Who - maybe Russell T. Davies' best script for the show? It's a perfect bottle episode (dare I say the best bottle episode of television apart from Breaking Bad's Fly?) A great slice of Twilight Zone-esque brilliance at its finest. Lesley Sharp is terrific. This run from The Unicorn and the Wasp to Journey's End is pretty much perfection.

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Best of the season thus far.

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This felt like a Big Finish Who story, and that's high praise. I prefer these type of episodes than the "oh no the world is at threat oh never mind the Doctor sorted it" melodramas.

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Pretty strong episode, but you have to be pretty stupid to think that the entity passed into The Doctor.
I guess it was a commentary on fear, panic and herd mentality.

PS. Notice how the producers realize that EVERYONE hates Donna?
1. The constant cameos from The Doctor's past and future companions.
2. All the times they tease us with her departure and/or death.
3. Really long stretches of episodes where she just isn't around for whatever reason.

I'm watching this for the 1st time around 11 years late, but I imagine that picking Donna as The Doctor's companion back then was not a popular choice.

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2-parters aside, this and Turn Left are perhaps the best sequential episodes New Who has ever seen. Categorically this episode is by far the best in character writing and ensemble performance the show has ever had, the only episode that comes close is The Waters Of Mars, but I'd argue its characters, whilst more purposeful and important as characters, the seemingly ordinary nature of not only the supporting cast, but the doctors outward appearance is part of the reason for the episodes success. Everyone seems to unanimously focus on the human irreverence and violent impulses of the supporting characters. But truthfully, the doctor is majorly outclassed in every sense of the word. His ego, his arrogance, his curiousity get the better of him at every turn. Dude doesn't even acknowledge this until after Waters of Mars, this for me defines the beginning of his god-complex time-lord Victorious arc. Insanely good.

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I don’t like Donna. I thought I was alone then I found others also don’t like her.

So, why producers hired her? She appeared before Martha in “Christmas special episode”. Nobody liked her that time also. Why would they replace Martha with an unpopular character. What is the logic?

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Who remembers Twilight Zone S1.E22 ∙ "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street?" Neighbors at each other's throats after aliens mess with the lights and isolate one street, casting doubt as to why one house isn't part of the blackout. I'm surprised Rod Serling didn't get partial credit, it's almost directly lifted in spirit at least!
Fri, Mar 4, 1960

On a peaceful suburban street, strange occurrences and mysterious people stoke the residents' paranoia to a disastrous intensity.

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that was a very creepy episode, kinda reminds me of And Then There Were One

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Shout by Shane Lee
BlockedParent2023-02-28T20:05:14Z— updated 2024-01-02T21:10:40Z

This episode always creeps me out one of the best episodes though.

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Like an anxiety inducing episode of The Twilight Zone.

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This episode made me feel like I was watching The Twilight Zone.
My anxiety level was through the roof with this one. Every time someone lost their shit I thought one of my veins was going to burst intense :joy:
So I guess the actors did a good job at conveying the episode :type_4:‍♀

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Ending was a bit of a letdown but still a great episode.

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