One of the best Doctor Who episodes of an otherwise lacklustre Series 7 - everything Cowboys & Aliens should have been, a complex moral thriller set against a classic Rio Bravo/High Noon-type set-up filled with plenty of planned anachronisms and Who fun that questions the morality of The Doctor and allows the show to explore deeper themes than it normally does in monster of the weeks. Darker edged and hard hitting - Ben Browder is a surprisingly good guest star in his all-too brief appearance. Smith is great in this one.

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Good but not
that Good.
A pretty average
standalone episode.
The Doctor carried the
entire episode,
everything else was
Rory was useless
and pretty much
a background character
and Amy had a face
like a babies slapped ass
all episode, miserable AF.
I'm really bored of
Amy and Rory now as
Companions all that
can be done with them
is done now and it's time
for them to leave and
for The Doctor to get
a brand new Companion.
Rory has literally sucked
all the fun out of
Travelling with
The Doctor and he's
made Amy as boring
as he is. The both just
seem not to be enjoying
the privilege anymore
in Travelling with
The Doctor.
All Amy and Rory
do now is bitch and
moan and kick off
at The Doctor
they should both
step aside and let
someone more worthy
and exciting have
The opportunity to
Travel with
The Doctor instead.
It's IMPOSSIBLE for me
not to roll my eyes everytime
Amy and Rory are on
"Out With The Old
And In With The New"

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This is quite a delicious jam-packed Westworld homage. I love it.

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