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Doom Patrol: Season 4

4x12 Done Patrol

I'm not crying, you are! :sob:

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fuck... they really got me at the end... man... :sob:

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This show started really strong but it kinda lost me along the way, emotion ending anyway tho.

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Damnit Cliff, you got something in my eye.
It was a miracle that doom patrol got a tv series. And as weird and funny as it was it didn’t quite make the insanity of the comics. But it was probably the best you can do for tv. The cast gave some amazing performances, I would have kept watching but the true evil defeated the show.

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One of the few times, the adaptation had more gravitas for me than the original. Respect for ending the series with dignity and humility, instead of running it into the ground like so many other DC projects.

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I made it home... :sob:

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Noooo. Fuck me. It’s over. Sad!!!

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What an absolute shitty finale.

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Somehow, to me, Rita's farewell is so suggestive of a potential new J.D. Robb-style book title: Elegant in Death. Bravo.

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I do remember thinking that it'd be great to somehow get Isabelle and the butts to take each other out, but somehow I hadn't thought of doing it quite like that...

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There's just something about a bunch of butts singing Shipoopi...

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:sob: They're all fractured but wholes.

I'm gonna miss this gang, especially the first 2 seasons, that was something really special.

I don't think I've fully processed just how sad Cliff's ending was, with or without comparisons. Rita at least had a sense of outgrowing and overcoming her younger self's problems, but Cliff got to his complete arc with the bittersweet Six Feet Under image of his grandson's future sorta repeating his mistakes and Clara dying a slow death, so yeah, that stings a bit.

The only mention of Dorothy was about the house being empty, that was disappointing. She and Danny deserved at least an update on what they're up to.

Victor, Larry and K had great endings in their own way.

Rouge's ending was the best one. No notes. :rofl:

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Why so cereal? Turn that frown upside down; here are clips of Rita Farr being sexy AF on Two and a Half Men (just before cancel culture was born I guess -- which I remember was the same day Scott Walker nailed the coffin shut on collective bargaining rights for two out of three public employee unions in Wisconsin)

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Man what an ending. Goodbye my friends.

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That kicked me hard in the feels. Bye DP

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Not the ending I wanted to see, but all good thing's must come to an end. :end::confused:

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Outstanding and heartbreaking. I'm going to miss you old friend.

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I was ok with it all, then the last 3 minutes I was balling damn this show, haha

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