Shouts about...

Durarara!! 2010

A second season is officially coming my friends. So f'n based. What a great year for anime sequels. Keep em coming Japan.

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Shout by Deleted

Durarara is a really stupid show that I wholeheartedly love. The way it introduces lots of characters, many you will love and many you will hate, is not going to be for everyone, and the plot can get messy because of this. However, when the plot comes together, it really comes together. Give the first season a shot at least, if anything else you will find a character you like.

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In both the seasons the initial few episodes were boring, it only starts kicking off after a few. The story is ordinary, based on gang fights but the unrealistic characters makes this anime an unique one.
All the characters were fine but Shizuo's is just too much unrealistic. Even after all these things it was a decent watch only because of Izaya's dark schemes and the suspense involving them.

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Shout by Ayman Azmi

The best tv show out there fo reals

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Shout by Ayman Azmi

Didn't think a tv show could be perfect ... I was wrong

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Starts off really well - up until the 15-16th episodes it's a constantly engaging show concentrating on a wide range of characters and situations. We see the world from a selection of characters, slowly learning more about their pasts and the area itself. A real strong point is the backstory of Celty and her search for her missing head. Unfortunately, the last eight or nine episodes are a bit of a grind, downgrading to a simple linear storyline focusing on the three dullest characters and their teenage 'angst.' Other than this high school misstep, it seems to be building to a great climax but never seems to. Many characters are simply forgotten (such as the aforementioned Celty) or only pop up to kick some ass before disappearing again. Engaging themes aren't finalised and stories are left untold. Because the first half is of such a high quality, it boths saves and damns the show.

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