Very well-researched and well-written episode, up until the ridiculous twist in the end where Rowan hijacked freaking Amazon delivery drones to go up above 50,000 ft and into the stratosphere...
Also, does that mean that Nick Bilton and Alpha were in on it? Otherwise, who prepared millions of drones with payloads of calcium carbonate rigged to disperse upon release?

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I have watched four episodes and each is better than the last but still not great. They packed it with a great cast but clearly, the story is lacking.

The show should have been called exposition. That’s all it was. It’s not going to win any awards for writing or acting, and the plotlines felt mostly flat. Every character fits a stereotype and speaks as expected, very clichéd, and since there’s little to no character development it’s hard care about what happens to them. It just feels like a parody or a Power Point presentation made by a 14-year-old about how capitalism is SO evil and is killing all the cute little animals etc. Everything is too on the nose, the message is about as subtle as a slap in the face.

There’s something very ironic about one of the world’s largest corporations trying to make a prestige TV show about the worst outlook of climate change. It may come off as more pretentious preaching.

I would summarize this show as good intentions and some good ideas but very poor execution. I don't think I'm gonna go beyond the 4th episode.

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best episode so far: suspence, topic, ending are ok

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