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Glee: Season 3

3x22 Goodbye

A lot of tv shows reach a point where it's the perfect point to say goodbye instead of continuing the series. This is high point for glee and it's a perfect farewell for the show we've loved.

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That goodbye scene was one of the saddest things i have ever seen..

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I can't help but look at Finn's storyline taking darker turns and think about Cory's fate. It's truly heartbreaking to watch this show knowing how it ends for him.
This was a good ending to a solid season. The moment between Quinn and Sue broke me. I can't say it enough, Sue is such a layered character, I simply love her.

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This is really where the McKinley High storyline should have stopped. What a great series finale it would have been, it was perfectly accomplished.
And I guess they should have make the New York part a spin-off.

[Anyway am I the only one who wonders where do all the musicians come from? They was there for every single performances, since season 1, without us even knowing their names:joy:! For a glee club who's supposed to be broke… But it's glee so it's better to not search for plot holes:sweat_smile:]

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Shout by Aars

The ending (till they get their diplomas) was so pretty and honestly a perfect ending for the show, but what I hate the most about the last 10 minutes is Finn’s storyline, I know is kinda dumb but I’ve always felt like Finn and Cory were connected and if Finn had gotten a happier “ending” where he could’ve achieved his dreams, Cory would’ve gotten a happier ending too, like sending him off to the army was a bad omen.
And I always thought Brittany was a junior but no one knew that and her being the senior class president was like a joke no one was aware of.

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