At the begining of this show, I was thinkin' that there's nothing much to say. I was thinking to give up watching and end this show after first episode or two. But, I kept watching. After 13 episodes I'm glad I continued. Story is beautifully developed, new caracters are brought int story and it become more and more interesting. It could be better, I've seen better shows. But if you like Batman and Gotham City universe, if you are familiar with that, than you will love this show as well.

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Contrary to the comment before I like it less than I did at the beginning. This whole everyone is corrupt and we can't touch them deal is getting tiresome and I do hope this does not continue throughout the show. Cause there are lots of thing I like. And can someone please kill Fish she is booooooring.

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Shout by AJ

Spoiler for the whole show, not only this episode:
The worst part of watching this 5 years after it aired? Knowing that I still have to suffer Fish for another 30 episodes :persevere:

Also, is "E. Nigma" (lamest name ever) supposed to be funny? 'cos he isn't, he's just annoying as hell...

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Poor Bruce. Jim is doing great.

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