Superb classic anime, but sadly it's discontinued, read manga after anime
Every episode is an amazing lifelesson told in a hilariously awesome and inspiring way. At least that's how I remember it :p Definitely top 5 anime material.
this is anime at its best form.. absolutely amazing.. :D I would suggest everyone to at least watch this once .. this is my third time and still is the best..
This is a anime that has been in my top 10 list for a long time. Its funny and it has some ecchi (sexy girls with short skirts) in it. The classmates characters evolve as the school year progresses and Onizuka turns out to be a teacher that earns the respect of the classmates. Something that is not easy when you know the history that particular classroom has that teacher Onizuka tries to teach and that teacher Onizuka is idiotic pervert that ran a biker gang in his youth.
Shout by DeletedBlockedParent2015-11-09T19:34:15Z
In my opinion, a seminal piece of 90's anime, and a must-see for most people. It's one of the top slice of life animes ever, and it deserves to be seen by everyone. To realize that none of these characters actually exist in real life is a great sadness.