Lol it's Maureen Ponderosa

[5 words...]

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I have most definitely seen Henrietta's apartment—or parts of it, like her shelves—before. Just can't remember when.

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5.9/10. The "on the hook" stuff got pretty broad pretty quickly, and made everyone seem pretty unlikable. The best of the stories was Marshall and Lily working up the nerve to let down Scooter, but while the teacup pig was a good bit, the twist that Marshall didn't want Scooter to give up hope was mostly weird and felt like one of those "only in a sitcom" kinds of twists. The related story with Ted being both hook-ee and hook-er just made both him and Robin seem like terrible people, with the "lesson" they learned feeling pretty mild given what we saw. And Barney's pharma-girl C-story had its moments as light comic relief, but fell into the usual Barney tropes and didn't have too much interesting about it.

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