Gah, is this ever Robin at her worst. Her unrelenting meanness is practically unbearable, and the way that she tries to sabotage Barney's happiness is outright deplorable. It's selfishness to the core, with Robin's self-centered take on this whole thing resulting in her cruelty to Patrice and her violating Barney's trust. This arc has not been good to the character, who was previously one of the more down-to-earth members of the gang. It's not a good look for her.

The B-story with Marshall's mom and Lily's dad hooking up is weird, but leads to some humorous if strange places. (Marshall's mom's "Minnesota twins" gag was cheesy but cute.) And the way the show leaned into the weirdness of the whole thing was admirable.

Otherwise, the whole "stuck in rooms" farce of it didn't really work for me. Again, something about the mean-spiritedness of the whole operation kept me from enjoying it. That said, the running gags about everyone having borrowed Ted's stuff and not returned it became pretty glorious by the end, so it had that going for it. Pretty standard S8 episode.

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Shout by dgw

And the smoke alarm just stops after the fire is out? Even though there's still a ton of smoke?

Edit: IMDB published this as a Goof within 30 minutes.

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