Funny how the one female astronomer talks about going out in her backyard and looking up at Betelgeuse in the Orion constellation, and wishing, hoping, even yelling at it to "explode already!". But then, later in the program, they explain how all the gamma radiation released by a supernova "a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away" basically altered our ozone layer, wiped out a bunch of earths flora and fauna, and mutated the prehistoric hominids existing at that time. Thankfully the planet survived, and, the hominid mutation was toward the positive end of the mutation spectrum, but damn woman, be CAREFUL what you wish for, especially since you and your fellow "big brains" feel confident Betelgeuse is going to go supernova "any time now".

Loved Hakeem Oluseyi's (Outrageous Acts of Science) explanation of neutrino bounce, using a basketball and a tennis ball. Looks like he can hoop too!

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