‘Mommy, are you a superhero?’
‘I am a black woman in America. Superheroes ain’t got shit on me’

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Okay so Ted didn't bite the bullet. Shame. Cuz now we're subjected to "jokes" that never land. This episode, its the Zsa Zsa Gabor line. Every line needs a laugh track to tell us they expect us to laugh. Ugh. Can't wait for the finish line on this one

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Corn syrup, that’s fucking brilliant.
Well damn, I’m glad that’s mostly an American thing, we still believe in sugar over here hahaha.

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Shout by Marc Friedolin

It would be difficult to exterminate people around the world if the sirup has to be digested, the EU only made it legal back in 2007 and market shares are still pretty low compared to regular sugar.

Its also a bit puzzling, how they plan to make sure only to kill the "non-arians", unless they are planning on rebuilding with just the people within their organization but maybe that gets explained in one of the next episodes.

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OMG, the scenes with Murray & Mindy are boring as all hell. I hope there are no more scenes with Mindy.

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