List created and maintained by
List created and maintained by
Only Anime Series from 19xx to 20xx (Non Japanese Animation Series is not included JUST Japanese Anime Series)
Anime premiering during Fall 2017.
Previous season:
Next season:
Japanse Anime!
Took months to collect. But have managed to collect all excisting Anime. A massive 10,805 items (movies AND showes) in total. This list will be less over the coming months, as all will be transfered to seperate list from 0-9 to XYZ.
! Warning: Lists may contain 18+ items not suitable for childeren !
List created and maintained by
Anime I have already watched
Séries, mini-séries, films ou animés vus & terminés dans pays d'origine.
Liste des animés japonais :japanese_castle:.
Séries, mini-séries, films ou animés originaires du Japon :jp:.
Previous, present, and future anime TV series
Promising shows marked on the "To do List"
Items to be updated. Please don't like the list. It's just for use with a script as I'm still too lazy to implement the auth just for this. Thank you.
Dubbed Anime
by Caroline SanicolaVIP7