An American missile crashes in the Arctic and Dr. Quest gets called to find out why. Some bad guys in a submarine have taken control of it. The Quest ship heads to the North Pole, equipped with a "snow-skimmer" that does a 100mph. Qwest is attacked by a jet, a torpedo, a bomb and gets shot at by a harpoon.

Here's another indicator that this was made in a different time...the Quest team takes a snow craft to the site of the missile crash. On their way, a walrus blocks their path. They try to push it out of the way but it won't budge, so Race turns to Dr. Quest and asks "I don't suppose you want to shoot it?". Quest responds "I'd rather not". Funny, I don't think that line of dialogue would make it past an editor today. And holy crap, the bad guys start shooting rifles at them. They are all captured but don't worry, Dr. Quest has an unbelievable escape in his future. Hadji makes his first appearance here.

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A cool Cold War era story for young boys. The danger is real and the bad guys even threaten the boys with guns but things never really get violent. I love it.

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