I finally got around to finishing this classic shoujo romance. The first season was superb and I loved Sawako's hilarious interactions and realistic growth throughout it. On the other hand, the second season was a bit of a letdown during the first half especially with some of the horrible miscommunication and confusion between Sawako and Shota that just seemed a little too over-the-top. However, the last 4 episodes really end the series on a great note and you feel the "magic" (of love) again.

All you need to know is that Sawako/Sadako = love. Watch it. Enjoy it. Love it.

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After rewatching this I have to say it is a good romance but nontheless the relationship between the two main characters was so bad in terms of communication that I was ripping out my hair at certain points. Seriously there can't be so many misunderstandings as in this show; it hurt my eyes and filled me somewhat with anger I have to say xD

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Shout by Deleted

Good Romance series but the 2 main characters were way to dense to the point it got irritating

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